  • 學位論文


The influence of screen time on physical activity and obesity for children: Do parents matter?

指導教授 : 林宜靜


研究目的:了解國內的兒童螢幕時間現況,以及其對其身體活動及肥胖之影響,並探究家長對兒童螢幕時間之限制與家長自身之螢幕時間程度是否左右兒童身體活動及肥胖情形。 研究方法:橫斷式研究設計,發展結構式問卷,立意選取宜蘭縣兩所國小進行資料收集,問卷發放對象為兒童之家長,共回收1031份有效問卷。在分析方法上,以百分比、平均值呈現螢幕時間、身體活動及肥胖的狀況,在控制兒童性別、年級、家長之教育程度後,以羅吉斯迴歸探討兒童螢幕時間與其家長對身體活動及肥胖的影響性。 結果:有超過一半的兒童每日平均的螢幕時間多於兩小時的國際建議標準(54.9%),隨著年級、家長的螢幕時間程度越高,兒童的螢幕時間時數也會越高,家長之教育程度為高中/職以下者,其孩童螢幕時間超時的機會較大。螢幕時間超時的兒童容易有低身體活動傾向(OR=3.01,P<0.000),並有過重的危險(OR=5.68,P<0.000),尤其在女童的影響上更為明顯。家長對兒童螢幕時間之限制以及其螢幕時間程度皆與兒童螢幕時間有關聯,且家長的螢幕時間程度會顯著影響兒童的身體活動情形,然而無論家長對兒童螢幕時間限制與否,皆無發現與身體活動及肥胖之顯著關聯。 討論:目前已有過半的兒童有螢幕時間超時的情形,隨著科技進步,兒童的螢幕時間將會成為影響健康更關注的焦點,超時的螢幕時間有低身體活動及肥胖的趨勢,且與家長的高螢幕時間有關,故在孩童時期即做好螢幕時間的控管,是幫助提升身體活動量與遠離肥胖的可行策略,尤其對女童助益良多,而良好的家長行為習慣,更有助於其孩童邁向健康。


螢幕時間 身體活動 肥胖 兒童 家長


Objective: The purpose of this study is to describe the percentage of children who don’t meet the screen time recommendations and to examine the influence of children’s screen time on physical activity and obesity. Parents’ influence will be discussed as well. Methods: Cross-sectional study. The proxy questionnaire was developed and adopted. We enrolled 1031 students at grade first to grade sixth from two elementary schools in Yilan. The percentage and average of screen time, physical activity and overweight are calculated. Logistic regression was used to examine the influence of screen time and their parents’ on the odds of not meeting recommendation of physical activity and being overweight. Result: 54.9% of children exceed 2 hrs daily total screen time. Children not meeting screen time recommendations were 3.01 times less likely to meet physical activity recommendation and were 4.84 times more likely to be overweight than those complying with recommendation. Besides, screen time had a stronger influence on both physical activity and obesity in females. Parents with >2 and >4 hours per day of screen time were associated with children’s not meeting physical activity recommendation. Conclusion: Over half of children failed to meet the total screen time recommendation. Children not meeting screen time recommendation were less likely to meet physical activity recommendation and tend to be overweight. Reducing screen time during childhood may be a promising strategy for increasing levels of physical activity and reducing obesity, especially in females. And if parents reduce their screen time, it might prevent their child from low physical activity.


Screen time Physical activity Obesity children parents


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