  • 學位論文


The Politics of “Bad Water”-the Crisis of Urban Water Governance and the Controversy over Public Drinking Water Quality in the Kaohsiung City

指導教授 : 王志弘


本研究考察高雄市的自來水水質爭議,藉此呈現都市政經與自來水的糾葛縈繞。我以自然治理之視角,揭露這部陳年爭議史背後,自來水與都市政權的共生共演。首先,本文以都市「新陳代謝」(metabolism)之概念,刻劃大高雄「惡水」的都市自然生產(production of urban nature)過程,指出國家自戰後如何致力於建造「重工業-發展」都市水循環,形成高雄擁有「惡水」的結構條件。 其次,本文討論1980年代末期至1990年代中期的爭議面貌,探討自來水治理如何從專家治理變為都市政治。過去由技術官僚壟斷的中心式(centralized)供水治理網絡,開始面臨危機、逐步鬆動,並演變為一個公眾爭議場域。本文呈現不同行動者如何依其結構性位置,問題化和詮釋「惡水」,並將議題組織於特定尺度上,甚至藉由尺度轉換達致鬆動�穩定既有網絡之效。1990年代地方自治法實施後,都市政權逐漸崛起,成為自來水的治理要角。吳敦義政權基本上還是遵循中央政策,致力穩定、修補既有「重工業-發展」水循環,並發動一波技術系統投資以於選舉政治下鞏固政權。 1990年代中期後,南臺灣發起一波市民環境運動,藉由動員「惡水」議題,塑造出奠基於「高高屏命運共同體」尺度上的區域水論述,挑戰威權官僚發展主義式的治水體制。這波運動是市民社會重塑威權國家建立之「重工業-發展」水循環的嘗試,也促使民進黨執政,但市民環境主義隨之受到納編。在謝長廷政權下,「後工業-消費」的新都市水循環逐漸建立。謝長廷藉由高級淨水廠為主的一系列計畫,回應市民長期對水質的集體消費需求,企圖閉關為時已久的爭議。在新的都市水循環中,自來水的象徵價值成為治理對象,並納入市民榮耀感的一環,以自來水為榮的市民主體於焉誕生。 然而,長期的治理失靈與危機,已於家戶和身體尺度上製造了曖昧模糊的「治理縫隙」,成為商業行動者介入的契機。於是,本文也關注高雄當地興盛的水經濟,討論家戶尺度的市民日常飲水世界,及對應的商業飲水主體。本文探查山泉水體系、淨水器體系及連鎖加水站體系所構築的商業飲水治理網絡。 總之,看似由地理條件決定,並由科技中介的高雄陳年水質爭議,若以政治生態學視角觀之,其實是高雄都市化與工業化發展所推動之特殊新陳代謝的產物,因而也是都市自然治理的重要場域。然而,供水的自然治理場域,在1990年代中期以前,乃由省營自來水公司及其技術官僚主導,並在幾次水質危機爭端中,不斷發動配合政策目標且有利於控管的關閉爭議策略,迴避了公共論辯和檢視高雄產業結構性汙染的解決之道。 不過,隨著高雄的去工業化產業轉型、環保團體倡議和意識覺醒,以及市長民選的選舉政治壓力升高,都市政權也逐漸整併水質議題成為其政策議程,並嘗試積極回應。然而,在塑造都市新形象的主導議程中,供水和水質爭議卻也逐漸退居發展導向之水岸治理後頭,淪為水治理的邊緣。在健康論述和水質恐慌下,民間持續興旺的淨水和購水現象,正是水質爭議難以明確關閉的明證,亦反映了都市政權之自然治理依然追尋短效之發展邏輯,而不思慮都市新陳代謝之結構轉型。


高雄 自來水 都市治理 都市自然 爭議


By studying and examining the long-lasting controversy over public drinking water quality in the Kaohsiung city, this research explores the co-evolution of urban governance and urban water supply system. First, I adapt the concept of “urban metabolism” that comes from Political Ecology to illustrate how urban water, as “social-nature”, was historically produced in the Kaohsiung region, pointing out the structural restrictions that led to the degradation of regional water quality. Second, I turn to discuss the controversy and analyze how different social actors, according to their structural interests, framed the issue and gave different interpretations to the degraded urban water. In the meanwhile, the centralized regime of urban water supply, which had been controlled and monopolized by technical experts, became unstablized and has faced governance crisis since the late-1980s. In the waves of de-industrialization and political democratization, the municipal government played a more critical role in water supply governance, especially after the direct election of city mayor was implemented in the mid-1990s. The governance of urban water supply changed from “expert politics” to “urban politics”. For winning the competitive election, the last appointed city mayor-Wu Den-yih, has proposed a series of projects to improve water quality. However, Wu’s efforts still tried to enhance the existing circulation of urban water which was established by technical experts under the authoritarian state in order to support heavy industry and maintain capital accumulation. Until the late-90s, the local environmental group challenged the authoritarian hydro-state, calling on improving regional water quality and adjusting the regional water provision. This also led to the emergence of new urban regime. The new elected mayor-Hsieh Chang-Ting, has incorporated civic environmeantalism and lunched new technical improvement projects featuring advanced water treatments. Under the new governance regime, the “notorious” urban water acquired new symbolic value, and was used to boost citizen’s pride as well as urban image. On the other hand, in a more structural sense, the circulation of city’s water was reshaped to satisfy the long-neglected needs of collective consumptions. Finally, because of the long-term governance failure, the Kaohsiung citizens became victims of “water speculator”. The research also explores the prosperous local water economy and the commercial drinking “subject” existing in domestic scale.


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