  • 學位論文


Developing Variable Parameters in BIM Models for MRT Stations on Operations Management

指導教授 : 謝尚賢


建築,指的是那些主要提供人類活動使用的空間。基本上,人類對於建築空間的使用需求會隨著社會、環境的變遷而有所不同。而隨著科技進步,透過電腦可預先模擬出符合使用者需求的建築模型供使用者參考。近年來Building Information Modeling (BIM) 技術頻繁地被應用在建築生命週期的各階段,特別是在營運階段的部分。而在營運階段的相關應用中BIM模型元件參數管理的相關應用是最常被提及的。但就目前為止,BIM模型元件參數管理相關應用中所討論的BIM模型都僅是靜態參數BIM模型,也就是模型內元件參數均為定值的模型。然而,在營運階段中,並無法透過靜態參數BIM模型來實現建築空間需隨人類的使用需求改變而有所變化的概念。 故本研究提出可變動參數的概念,並運用此概念發展成可變動參數BIM模型來模擬建築空間需要隨著人類的使用需求改變而有所變化的概念。所謂可變動參數,本研究將其定義為參數值不為定值的參數。在此又把可變動參數分為兩類,第一類為隨時間而改變的感測器資料類型的可變動參數,像是監視器所監測到的人流、溫度感測器所量測到的溫度等等。而第二類為元件狀態類型的可變動參數,像是電扶梯的使用狀態、方向和速度等等。 而人類的使用需求實則可反映在Living Lab (生活實驗室)中所蒐集到的資料。本研究挑選捷運車站作為Living Lab,並透過可變動參數BIM模型來輔助捷運車站的不同使用需求。透過訪談,得知捷運車站在營運管理面上不足的地方,整理成三個不同的應用情境,分別是人潮壅塞預防、防災規劃及重要設施管理應用情境。 Living Lab中所蒐集到的資料,包括監視器資料和設施狀態資料可作為可變動參數的參數值。本研究開發了一套輔助程式,以可變動參數作為介接,依不同的應用情境讓Living Lab資料可呈現在BIM模型上,而此時的BIM模型就為可變動參數BIM模型。透過可變動參數BIM模型的輔助,捷運車站管理人員補足了先前在營運管理面些許不足的地方。可變動參數BIM模型模擬出現實生活的狀況,進而提升捷運車站在營運管理上的品質,同時,可變動參數BIM模型亦延伸了BIM模型於營運階段的可用性。 關鍵字 : BIM、模型修改、可變動參數、參數管理、設施管理


Most of buildings are used for human activities. With new technological advances, building information modeling (BIM) is widely applied in every stage of a building lifecycle. In particular, managing the parameters of the BIM model elements in the Operation & Maintenance (O&M) stage is increasingly important. In the past, researchers have mainly focused on static parameters in BIM models. However, solely managing static parameters in BIM models is hard to express the concept that facilities of a building should adapt changes that correspond to user’s activities. In this research, the parameters are divided into two types: static parameters and variable parameters. A static parameter is fixed information of the element, such as the element geometry and spatial relations, while a variable parameter is variable information of the element, such as the operating status and temperature. In order to realize the concept mentioned above, variable parameters are employed to develop BIM models in this research. In addition, the BIM model with well-develop variable parameters is called a variable BIM model. Take a metro station for example, three application scenarios from operations management of two metro stations in Taipei City are used to testify the usefulness of variable BIM models in this research: (1) pedestrian congestion preventing、(2) disaster prevention planning and (3) critical facility management. These application scenarios are confirmed as the most urgent needs through interviewing with a staff of Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation. In this research, a couple of programs and user interfaces are developed for managing the variable parameters of different application scenarios in the BIM models of the metro stations. In conclusions, the variable BIM model provide information needed by the staff of a metro station to upgrade the operations management for a metro station in two ways. First, the staff can know the passenger density of every region in a metro station. Second, the operation status of facilities in a metro station can be stored and demonstrated. Furthermore, the variable BIM model can extend the usability of a BIM model in the O&M stage. Keywords: BIM, Model Modification, Facility Management, Data Management, Variable Parameter


陳奐廷,2014,BIM 模型修改之可互操作物件式資訊回饋系統,碩士論文,國立臺灣大學土木工程學系暨研究所,臺北,臺灣。
吳翌禎、謝尚賢,2015,BIM應用於設施維護管理之機會與挑戰,營建知訊,第386期, 第47-52頁,臺北,臺灣。
