  • 學位論文


Experimental Study on Improved Detail Design and Analytical Study on Simulation of Retrofit by Adding Reinforced Concrete Walls with Openings

指導教授 : 鍾立來


由於民國88年921集集大地震,對台灣既有校舍造成嚴重損害,顯示國中小校舍耐震能力有明顯不足的問題,為避免將校舍拆除重建,造成嚴重經濟損失,各方學者對此提出補強設計工法,以提升結構耐震性質,其中牆補強工法為目前熱門補強方法之一,但針對既有校舍所需之採光及通風需求,乃牆補強工法難以滿足之重大缺點,有鑑於此,本研究針對目前校舍常見之跨度及尺寸配置,提出開口牆補強工法之試驗研究,期望透過試驗結果,探討開口牆補強工法耐震能力。 接續103年度國家地震中心開口牆補強研究,本試驗提出三組設計試體,試體之淨跨度為420公分,以模擬目前常見之校舍型式,三組試體為實際尺寸之開門牆補強,其開口皆為對稱設計,並於國家地震工程研究中心實驗室進行反覆側推試驗。本試驗主要探討細部設計對開口牆補強之行為影響,包含開口處水平拉力筋、角隅筋處鋼筋以及基礎植筋設計,希望以此提供工程師一套完整設計及施工工法,並且期望建立一套開口牆準確分析方法及套裝軟體分析流程,以利未來校舍進行開口牆補強設計,能夠根據不同設計需求選擇合理且準確之開口設計尺寸及斷面。 試驗結果顯示,不論是大開門或小開門試體,針對細部設計進行特別考量之試體,其勁度及韌性皆能提高,且觀察發現其破壞模式較未考量”細部設計”之試體良好,而考量細部設計,試體側推試驗之層間變位角皆能夠達3%,驗證細部設計於開口牆補強設計屬於重要環節。根據本年度一系列試驗試體與103年度國家地震中心之開口牆補強設計試體,並配合校舍結構耐震評估與補強技術手冊分析方法,設計並修改一套改良之極限強度評估方法,並依據本方法於ETABS套裝軟體設計出兩套開口牆評估模型,以提供相關設計參考。


校舍補強 RC開口牆


Because of 921 Chi-Chi earthquake, many elementary and secondary school buildings were seriously damaged. And it also aroused the whole nation’s concern of low affordability of the school buildings’ seismic capacity. Because dismantling old school buildings will cause serious economic losses, scholars proposed methods for increasing school buildings’ seismic performance. Adding shear wall is a popular retrofit method for school buildings. But for the lack of lighting and ventilation requirements, it is the biggest shortcoming for shear wall retrofit methods. Therefore, National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE) planned the retrofitted method of RC walls with opening. The seismic capacity of RC walls with opening by experiments will be shown. Following the specimens of RC walls with opening in 2015, this experiment plans three new specimens that the clear span is 420 cm. The specimen was designed in symmetric configuration. To understand the performance of specimens’ seismic capacity, the cyclic pushover test will be conducted at National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering. The main propose of the test is to know the influence of the section design on the specimens’ performance in order to set a detail design on the retrofit of RC walls with opening. Experimental results show that with the carefulness of section design, the stiffness and toughness both increase no matter the opening is large or small. And the failure mode also turns to be better. Drift ratio of all specimens can be up to 3% with the carefulness of section design. It means that section design is important. Prediction of force-displacement curves is based on the third-edition Evaluation and Retrofit Handbook. With the analysis of the experiment results, prediction of force-displacement curves are modified. And based on the method of force-displacement curves’ prediction, two methods of RC walls with opening’s models are modeled for ETABS pushover analysis.


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