  • 學位論文


The Development and Verification of Semiconductor Biosensors Devices

指導教授 : 林致廷


近年來在醫療疾病上的檢測,開始針對生物分子進行診斷。治療方式也針對特定引發及病的分子而做出特定的治療方式。然而,傳統的方是有著需要長時間以及程序複雜等缺點。因此,傳統的診斷方法很難適用於重點照護檢驗(POCT)。為了要克服這項困境,能提出既準確又快速的方式或工具來檢測生物分子,來達到早期發現早期治療的目標已成為現今研究的主要課題。本論文中提出了兩種低成本的半導體製程方法製作出兩種元件:多晶矽奈米線場效電晶體和微懸臂樑生物分子感測器。   為了要驗證本論文欲達到的目的,兩種元件皆製做完成及經過實驗上的驗證。多晶矽薄膜場效電晶體先經過生物修飾化來使元件具有對特定生物分子的接合能力,如此來進行DNA序列的測試。本論文利用螢光圖來確定生物分子修飾固定化的步驟是否確實。利用臨界電壓的改變來分析多晶矽奈米線場效電晶體生物分子感測器的靈敏度和選擇性分別為100fM和可區分至1bps的DNA序列。另一方面,微懸臂樑元件是經由標準0.35um CMOS bio-MEMS 製程來製作。由電流對時間的曲線可以觀察出微懸臂樑元件可成功的感測濃度1pM至10nM的target DNA。由兩種元件的結果可知,本論文的實驗結果被證實了具有成為生物分子感測科技的潛力。


The medical diagnostics have used biomolecular markers approach for decays. This approach utilized high-specific binding affinity in bio-conjugates for molecules targets. However, traditional methods suffer from time-consuming and complicated operations. As a consequence, these traditional methods are hard to be used in POCT. To overcome this situation, a high-throughput for rapid detection become an important subject in recent researches. In this work, we propose two low-cost semiconductor fabrication process to fabricate two kinds of devices: poly-silicon nanowire thin-film transistor and microcantilever biosensor. To examine our approaches, both of the deivices are fabricated and experimentally verified. In detail, the poly-silicon nanowire thin-film transistor is bio-functionalized to have the specific-bindary to testing DNA strands. The fluorescent image is used to check the bio-functionalized step. Utilizing the viaration of threshold voltage, the sensitivity and selectivity of the poly-silicon nanowire biosensorscan be examined as 100fM and distinguish 1bps mismatch DNA sequence. On the other hand, the microcantilever devices is fabricated by 0.35um CMOS Bio-MEMS process. Based on the currnet-ime curve, the microcantilever devices successfully detects target DNA over a concentration from 1pM to 10nM. From the experimental results in both of these developed devices, our approaches are examined to be potential methods for biomarker detection technologies.


biosensor nanowire microcatilever


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