  • 學位論文


Performance of Structure with Full-Scale Viscoelastic Damper beyond Design Deformation

指導教授 : 張國鎮
共同指導教授 : 汪向榮(Shiang-Jung Wang)


黏彈性阻尼制震壁廣為應用於台灣之高樓建物,然而在地震頻繁的台灣,於設計地震力或最大考量地震力下,黏彈性阻尼器可能已經超越設計變位,造成不同程度之損壞。欲探討黏彈性阻尼器於超位變位下之行為反應以及對結構物所能提供之減振效益,進行新日鐵實尺寸黏彈性制震壁試驗,並以此建立涵括設計變位與超越設計變位之分數微分模型,其後透過將分數微分模型與低矮樓層建物棒狀模型以及高樓建物之剪力彎矩模型結合,進行非線性動力分析。 黏彈性阻尼器於超越設計變位下,發生阻尼係數與勁度同時放大之現象,並隨著變形量增加,黏彈體發生不同程度受損,造成阻尼器之效能遞減,嚴重者致使黏彈體嚴重撕裂,伴隨鋼板之彈性變形,進入低勁度、低阻尼狀態。然而即使黏彈體遭受嚴重損壞,當變形量回復至設計變位範圍內,阻尼器仍能發揮原有效能之50%,遲滯迴圈依然橢圓飽滿而穩定。 設計地震力下,裝設黏彈性阻尼器之低矮樓層建物能夠減少建物之塑鉸生成,並提供層間位移與加速度之折減;於最大考量地震力下,黏彈體發生嚴重破壞,借殘存之五成效能助使建物反應折減,並於溫度回復後,折減餘震造成之加速度與層間位移。因黏彈性阻尼器對結構物反應之折減率隨著結構物進入降伏而漸減,如若結構物保持彈性或受損越輕微,即使阻尼器發生嚴重損壞,依舊能夠發揮良好折減效果。


Panel-type viscoelastic damper has been widely used to control seismic vibration for high-rise building in Taiwan. However, under DBE and MCE, the shear deformation of VE damper possibly exceeds the design deformation limit. In this situation, it’s necessary to clarify the behavior of VE damper and the effect on structure. By three set of full-sacle viscoelastic damper experiment, the performance reduction of viscoelastic damper with different level of damage can be figure out. In the most serious condition of damage, because viscoelastic material is severely strained and brings with tearing which makes the steel plates partially detached from viscoelastic material, there is still 50% of damper performance left. Furthermore, a fractional derivative model for viscoelastic damper can be established from the experiment results. For evaluating the performance of structure with viscoelastic damper, a stick model for 7-story building and a flexural-shear model for high-rise building are built respectively. After combine structure model with damper model, nonlinear dynamic analysis can be carried on. And it turned out that viscoelastic damper can reduce the story response effectively, and also be able to reduce the damage of structure. Even though damper damage occurs under MCE, it still has contribution in controling structure response. Especially when structure remains elastic or only exists slight plastic hinge, structure response can be reduced effectively by damaged viscoelastic damper during aftershock.


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