  • 學位論文


The Implementation of the Affordable Housing Policy─A Case of Fu-Jou Affordable Housing Project in New Taipei City

指導教授 : 曾建元


隨著近年臺灣北部都會區的房價不斷攀升,居住正義的議題也備受關注,政府為了保障中低收入的受薪階級與弱勢族群能有安身立命的居所,推出合宜住宅政策,試圖緩解當前的居住問題。 本研究的主旨在於以政策分析的角度對合宜住宅政策進行評析,並以浮洲合宜住宅作為個案來探討。透過文獻分析與深度訪談去了解不同的政策參與者對這些政策過程的解釋與評價如何。並從政策工具與政策執行的面向,分析浮洲合宜住宅政策的執行過程,歸納出影響政策執行的因素有哪些,並整理出浮洲合宜住宅政策執行上具體遇到哪些問題。 本研究根據研究成果,分別針對「浮洲合宜住宅」與「後續相關配套措施」提出具體之政策建議。浮洲合宜住宅政策建議︰一、調整現行10%比例,逐步提升出租型社會住宅數量;二、設立相關專責單位以監督後續處理情形;三、調整出租型社會住宅的租金及相關配套措施;四、逐步修正《住宅法》相關之法規制度。後續可行之相關配套措施建議:一、配合現有社會福利制度來提供弱勢族群租金補貼;二、合理的租金價格管制;三、申請資格條件相關限制應更嚴謹;四、提高出租型態社會住宅的比例;五、編列預算未來向建商將合宜住宅出租戶購回作為社會住宅使用。


In recent years, Taipei metropolitan area's housing prices kept rocketing. “ Housing Justice ” was a big issue that we all concerned. In Taiwan, it’s very difficult for civilians to buy house around urban Taipei. In order to let underprivileged people can afford to buy a house. The government built affordable houses to solve the rising housing prise problem. The purpose of this study is to define affordable housing policy through policy analysis approach. The study adopts in-depth interview method to understand how different participants explain and interpret the changes. Affordable housing policy is an innovation housing policy in Taiwan, it is similar to public housing policy in past. This study is a case study of Fu-Jou affordable housing project, pointed out that affordable housing policy had some problems in implementation. By reviewing related literatures and conducting interviews, the study shows that government faces some difficulties in promoting affordable housing policy. Therefore, whether the affordable housing policy will maintain the dominant position still remains question, hope to come up with some policy suggestions.


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