  • 學位論文


Effects of Short-term Storage, and Shading, Nitrogen and Potassium Concentration of Stock Plants on Rooting and Growth of Chrysanthemum Cuttings

指導教授 : 葉德銘


本論文研究短期貯藏及母本遮光與氮鉀肥濃度對菊花插穗發根與生長之影響。取11個菊花品種插穗,於5和15℃下貯藏0-21天。依其扦插14天後之根部乾重的表現大致可將此11品種分為三類:第一類為經貯藏2天者,根乾重會增加,之後根乾重隨貯藏期增加逐漸下降,但貯藏21天處理者仍較未貯藏者佳,此類品種包含 ‘花御殿’、‘白冬陽’、‘世界一’、‘荷蘭白’、‘花世界’、‘金風車’、‘黃秀鳳’、‘舞風車’,此類品種以5℃或15℃低溫貯藏可提高根部乾重;第二類為經貯藏2天處理者,根乾重可提高,但貯藏至21天時,根乾重明顯較未貯藏插穗低,此類包含 ‘紅美人’、‘哈雷’兩品種,此類品種僅適合短期貯藏;第三類為經貯藏後乾重明顯下降,如 ‘黑心黃’,此品種不適宜貯藏。   ‘黃精進’及‘吉祥粉’以5℃短期貯藏4-8天可提高根數與根乾重。短期貯藏也可加速根的發育,根長度隨著貯藏期延長有增加的趨勢。而地上部乾重隨貯藏期延長有下降現象,與葉片之葉綠素計讀值有相似的反應。當葉綠素計讀值降至15以下時,插穗已不適宜貯藏,因此以非破壞性的葉綠素計測量貯藏過程中葉綠素計讀值的變化,可作為貯藏適期的指標。‘黃精進’之花下葉片數,隨貯藏天數增加呈現下降之趨勢,且經貯藏後的植株較矮,到花朵顯色天數較短,可見貯藏可使花芽提早分化。以5及15℃貯藏溫度下之處理進行變方分析,可知影響花苞顯色天數之因子為貯藏天數,而非貯藏溫度。   ‘世界一’與‘舞風車’可於2-8℃低溫貯藏至28天,有利於根的生長與發育。而‘黃秀鳳’、‘花世界’、‘白冬陽’及‘花御殿’品種適合低溫2-8℃短期貯藏至8天。而以11、14、15、21或24℃處理者,六品種間之變化情形相似,短期貯藏2-8天,根乾重均出現高峰,但隨貯藏天數的延長,根乾重逐漸下降,且可貯藏天數隨溫度上升而減少。   ‘世界一’、‘舞風車’、‘黃秀鳳’、‘花世界’、‘白冬陽’與‘花御殿’插穗以2-24℃貯藏0-28天後,扦插發根後之根乾重與其葉片葉綠素計讀值呈曲線正相關。扦插發根後之根乾重與地上部乾重呈直線正相關。   不耐貯藏之‘黑心黃’於5℃貯藏期間,其水分含量、葉綠素計讀值及蔗糖/澱粉比值均較可長期貯藏之‘花御殿’和可短期貯藏之‘哈雷’低。而貯藏期間葉片細胞膜之相對傷害值又以‘黑心黃’最高,‘哈雷’次之,‘花御殿’最低。又‘黑心黃’ 於未貯藏及5℃貯藏1天處理者,氣孔導度及蒸散速率均較另二品種高。因此,利用測量插穗水分含量、葉綠素計讀值、低溫相對傷害值及蔗糖/澱粉比值皆可做為菊花在低溫下耐貯性的指標。   ‘黃秀鳳’與‘花世界’ 母株種植於台灣夏秋季未遮陰環境下,雖可生產葉色較濃綠之插穗,但發根情形並不如遮陰下生長之插穗,‘花世界’遮陰50%處理者,根數較未遮陰處理者多。   ‘黃秀鳳’母株以七種氮鉀肥比例處理,研究結果顯示,以16 mM氮、5 mM鉀處理者,產量較高,外觀品質佳,且發根情形較好。再提高氮、鉀肥濃度,並不能提高插穗的產量與發根量,母本插穗產量與插穗發根數主要受到氮濃度的影響。


Effects of short-term storage, shading and nitrogen-potassium treatments of stock plants on rooting and growth of chrysanthemum cuttings were studied. Cuttings of eleven chrysanthemum cultivars were stored at 5 and 15℃ for 0 to 21 days in the dark. Three groups could be classified according to their changes in root dry weight with storage treatments. Group I contained ‘Hua-Yu-Dieng’, ‘Bai-Dong-Yang’, ‘Shi-Gie -Yi’, ‘Ho-Lan-Bi’, ‘Hua-Shi- Gie’, ‘Gin-Fon-Cher’, ‘Huang-Shiou-Fan’, and ‘Wu-Fon-Cher’. Root dry weight increased in Group I cuttings after having stored for two days, and then decreased with storage period extended. However, their root dry weights were still higher than unstored cuttings after storage for 21 days. Group II contained ‘Hon-Mei-Zen’ and ‘Har-Lei’ cultivars which could be short-term stored. Their root dry weights increased after storage for two days but decreased after 21 days. Group III contained ‘Hei-Shin-Huang’ cultivar, with reduced root dry weight after storage.   Root number and root dry weight of ‘Huang-Gin-Ging’ and ‘Chi- Hsiang-Fen’ cuttings were increased after having stored at 5℃ for 4 to 8 days. Storage also accelerated root development in that root length increased with increasing storage duration. Shoot dry weight and leaf SPAD value decreased with storage period extended. Cuttings had little rooting when their leaf SPAD value was below 15 during storage. Therefore, this nondestructive, in situ, chlorophyll meter could aid in monitoring rooting status of chrysanthemum cuttings after storage. The cultivar ‘Huang-Gin- Ging’ flowered earlier, with fewer leaf number below the inflorescence and shorter length.   Cultivars ‘Shi-Gie-Yi’ and ‘Wu-Fon-Cher’ could be stored at 2 to 8℃ up to 28 days, with increases in root growth and development. In contrast, cultivars ‘Huang-Shiou-Fan’, ‘Hua-Shi-Gie’, ‘Bai-Dong-Yang’, and ‘Hua-Yu-Dieng’ could be stored at 2 to 8℃ for 8 days only. For cuttings stored at 11 to 24℃, maximum root dry weight occurred at storage for 2 to 8 days, and their root dry weights decreased gradually as storage duration increased. Regressions of leaf SPAD value in cuttings during storage on subsequent root dry weights showed significant curvilinear relationships in cultivars ‘Shi-Gie-Yi’ , ‘Wu-Fon-Cher’ ,‘Huang-Shiou-Fan’, ‘Hua-Shi-Gie’, ‘Bai- Dong-Yang’, and ‘Hua-Yu-Dieng’. The subsequent root dry weights were linearly correlated with their associated shoot dry weights.   The cultivar ‘Hei-Shing-Huang’ had lower water content, SPAD value, and sucrose/starch ratio, but higher relative injury during storage than cultivars ‘Hua-Yu-Dieng’ and ‘Har-Lei’. In ‘Hei-Shing-Huang’, the unstored or short-term (5℃ for 1 day) stored cuttings had higher transpiration and stomatal conductivity. These characteristics could explain why the cultivar ‘Hei-Shing-Huang’ exhibited poor storage ability. Measurements of water content, SPAD value and relate injury during storage could be as reliable indices for determining cutting storability in chrysanthemum.   Stock plants of the cultivars ‘Huang-Shiou-Fan’ and ‘Hua-Shi- Gie’ without shading produced cuttings with dark green leaves. However, there was no significant effect for rooting between the 0% and 50% shading treatments. Cuttings of cultivar ‘Hua-Shi-Gie’ taken from stocks under 50% shading had more root number than those from the unshaded stocks.   Stock plants of ‘Huang-Shiou-Fan’ treated with 16 mM nitrogen and 5 mM potassium produced more cuttings, which showed better visual quality and rooting. Further increases in nitrogen and potassium concentration did not increase the yield and root number of cuttings. The cutting yield from stock plants and root number of cuttings were largely affected by nitrogen concentration treatments.


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