  • 學位論文


Interactions Between Two Common Rallidaes and Agriculture Landscape in Rice Field, Yilan

指導教授 : 李培芬




Wildlife and human are constantly in conflict in the agroecosystem. In Taiwan, the conflict between birds and paddy fields is one of these critical issues. Paddy fields are important habitat of many species depending on water. Several species of Rallidae, especially Gallinula chloropus and Amaurornis phoenicurus, use paddy fields in Yilan County. Farmers reported that the birds might cause damages during the rice seedling stage. Besides, previous studies showed that distribution and aggregation of G. chloropus in paddy fields change with seasons. To investigate how agricultural operation affecting the distribution of G. chloropus and A. phoenicurus, and to reduce the conflicts between farmers and birds, I studied the factors influencing occurrence and distribution dynamics of these two Rallidae species, and clarified the effects of the two species on seedlings damage in Shen-Gou Village of Yilan. The rice farming areas started from March to July and followed by green manure from August to September, water fallow from October to February. The distribution of G. chloropus changed with cropping stages, and the bird tended to aggregate in areas close to vegetation clusters in winter. In contrast, the abundance of A. phoenicurus changed more randomly, and they showed dynamic distribution patterns, but also tended to aggregate in winter. Water level, vegetation in field, distance to vegetation and roads, and eco-friendly farming are important factors affecting the distribution of these Rallidaes. Height of plant and vegetation coverage changed while farming matched the demands of Rallidae in the breeding season, and thus, affecting their distribution patterns to shows aggregation in fall-winter seasons and dispersion in spring-summer periods. G. chloropus and A. phoenicurus both fed on the seedlings of rice, especially in seedling period, the latter prefered paddies with seedlings, while the former preferred all types of paddies including non-seedling ones. I foun positive correlation between damage occurrances and the abundance of G. chloropus and appearance of A. phoenicurus around fields, but negative correlation of eco-friendly farming type. Based on the study, to reduce the damage probabilities I recommend to manipulate the water level and weeding the vegetation near the paddies in the seedling period by making the environment less likely used by the birds. Appropriate landscape management can also be considered to reduce the conflicts between wildlife and human.


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