  • 學位論文

室內通風狀況與非特異性建築物相關症狀 之關連性研究

Association between Ventilation and Nonspecific Building-Related Symptoms

指導教授 : 詹長權


目的:在現代化辦公大樓中,針對同一群辦公室內員工進行兩次問卷調查及環境量測,探討不同室內通風狀況及室內空氣品質對人員發生非特異性建築相關症狀(Nonspecific building-related symptoms,BRS)的影響。 方法:本研究在新竹科學園區某半導體廠之六樓辦公室進行,該樓層為密封式窗戶並使用中央空調系統(HVAC)作為通風主要設備。該樓層174位員工中有111位參與本研究,分別於八月及十一月進行問卷調查,瞭解辦公室內人員的非特異性建築相關症狀盛行率、員工對於所處辦公環境的滿意程度及工作壓力,並於進行前後兩次問卷調查的同時,利用直讀式儀器進行室內空氣品質的測量,量測二氧化碳、一氧化碳、溫度、濕度及粉塵濃度,並收集空調及通風等相關資訊。從問卷調查及室內環境量測中,找出可能造成室內辦公人員有非特異性建築相關症狀抱怨的原因。利用χ2 及 T tests檢定橫斷式資料,瞭解員工發生症狀之情形,利用McNemar's 及 Paired-T tests檢定前後兩次問卷調查人員發生症狀之差異。利用多重邏輯式迴歸評估受訪者特性、對環境滿意度與BRS症狀發生之關連性。最後使用廣義線性混合模型探討室內空氣品質變項與員工發生症狀之關連性。 結果:從兩次問卷調查結果中發現,各項BRS症狀以眼睛刺激(46%-61%)及一般症狀(25%-30%)盛行率較高,而女性員工較男性員工容易有症狀之發生。比較前後兩次問卷調查結果,可發現第二次問卷調查時員工在非特異性建築相關症狀出現的盛行率較第一次問卷結果為高,但是在員工每週出現症狀天數上則沒有顯著差異。針對員工個人特質與發生各項症狀之危險性關連上,主要以女性、患有過敏性疾病等因子較易發生非特異性建築相關症狀。若是以員工自覺室內通風及環境狀況,與發生各項非特異性建築物相關症狀作比較,則有抱怨室內風速及室內噪音的員工較容易出現幾項症狀。將人員依所暴露之二氧化碳濃度濃度做分組,探討濃度高低對於發生症狀情形之關連性,則暴露在二氧化碳濃度800 ppm以上之人員在發生「任何症狀」(OR=4.0; CI, 1.5~10.6)、「眼睛刺激」(OR=6.3; CI, 2.5~15.9)及「一般症狀」(OR=3.4; CI, 1.4~8.3)之危險性較暴露在低於500 ppm二氧化碳濃度之員工為高。 結論:在環境量測結果中,夏季及冬季的室內溫濕度變化情形不大,但是冬季二氧化碳濃度上升,顯示室內空氣品質惡化。從該大樓空調記錄中發現,冬季室內二氧化碳濃度上升導因於外氣進氣量減低而使通風率不佳,對照問卷調查結果發現,人員抱怨情形也有增加。由於是針對同一群員工進行連續兩次的調查,因此員工個人特質及工作壓力的影響可以忽略,因此顯示室內空氣品質不良是造成非特異性建築相關症狀的主要原因。


Objective: To investigate the association between ventilation and the worker’s nonspecific building-related symptoms (BRS) in one office. Methods: The study office was located in the sixth floor of one semiconductor company with a floor area of 1452 m2 and a HVAC system with sealed windows. A total of 111 out of 174 office workers in this office participated in this study. All study subjects completed self-administered questionnaires of BRS symptoms and the office’s indoor climate and air quality were measured twice on August and November 2003. The participant’s perceptions of the office’s physical environment and job stress were also obtained in the first survey. χ2 and T tests were used to analyze cross-sectional data. McNemar's and Paired-T tests were to analyze follow-up data. Multiple logistic regressions were to evaluate the relationships between subjects’ BRS symptoms and their demographic characteristics and perceptions of the environment. Generalized linear mixed models were used to correlate BRS symptoms with variables of indoor air quality. Results: Eye irritation and nonspecific symptoms were two most prevalent BRS in our study subjects with 46%-61% and 25%-30%, respectively. Female and allergic workers had significantly higher BRS than other workers. BRS was positively associated with worker’s’ perception of low indoor movements and noise. Between two environmental measurements, there was no significant difference in indoor air quality except carbon dioxide concentrations. The CO2 concentrations were 416-599 ppm in the first measurement and 727-892 ppm in the second measurement. By comparing workers with CO2 exposure above 800 ppm to those below 500 ppm, the adjusted odds ratios (ORs) were 4.0 (CI, 1.5~10.6) for any BRS symptoms, 6.3 (CI, 2.5~15.9) for eye irritation, and 3.4 (CI, 1.4~8.3) for nonspecific symptoms. Conclusions: Worker’s BRS was increase by high CO2 concentrations indoors arising from low fresh air replacement in the ventilation system.


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