  • 學位論文

應用大數據分析模式探討農產品電子商務利潤之決定因素 -以真情食品館網路商城為例

The Application of Big Data Technique on the Determinants of the Profitability of Agricultural E-commerce Business Model -A Case Study of the Sincere Food Internet Shopping Mall

指導教授 : 張宏浩


在網際網路快速發展與普及的時代下,電子商務儼然成為了新興的網路交易模式,不僅可以有效降低企業成本及增進交易效率外,也提供了消費者更多的選擇及便利,漸漸地有各式各樣的商品服務逐漸由實體通路轉向虛擬商店,帶動了電子商務的發展。 隨著資訊科技的時代來臨,政府更致力於農產品網路銷售的推動,消費者購買農產品的管道除了傳統市場、超市、量販店等銷售通路外,也多了農產品電子商務的選擇。因此,電子商務的推廣,不僅帶給消費者有更多的選擇,也消除了在農產品採購上空間與時間的限制,提供消費者更多的便利性。 然而,現今農產品網路銷售之文獻以消費者信賴程度與採購意願做探討居多,鮮少以供給面分析影響利潤之因素,因此,有鑑於農產品網路銷售之逐漸普及,本研究以「新北市真情食品館-電子商務」為例,由網站的角度出發,並以大數據分析模式、普通最小平方模型及Probit模型的方式,分析影響「真情食品館」獲利之因素,實證結果發現,網路購買的消費者行為、不同產品或廠商,對於「真情食品館」的交易利潤有顯著影響,並且進一步以分量迴歸模型的方式剖析「真情食品館」每筆交易與會員消費狀況,結果亦有顯著的不同,顯示消費者可以被分成不同客群,且每一個客群存在不同的消費行為。希望能透過本研究結果幫助廠商提出建議,針對不同潛在客戶提供更優質的服務,以期提供未來業者開發農產品電子商務網站之依據,並給予後續相關研究之參考。


In the era of popularization and the rapid development of internet, e-commerce has become a new channel of online purchase. It not only reduces business costs effectively and improves efficiency of transaction, but also provides consumers with more choices and shopping convenience. Gradually, there are a variety of goods and services transition shifted from the physical stores to online platforms which led the development of e-commerce. With the advence of information technology, the agricultural authority has promoted online sales of agricultural products. Consumers can now not only buy agricultural products in traditional markets, supermarkets, warehouse stores and other sales channels, but also can make purchases from agricultural e-commerce. With the implementation of e-commerce, not only do e-commerce provide consumers with more choices of channels, but eliminates the space and time constraints of agricultural products providing more convenience to consumers. Existing literature on the sale of agricultural products primarily focused on the determinants of consumer preference toward online shopping, little evidence is found on supply side of the online platform. In view of the growing popularity of agricultural products sales, this research uses “The Sincere Food Internet Shopping Mall” as a case study to qualtify the determinants of the profitability of the firm. Taking the advantage of a large-scare dataset, I utlize the Big Data analysis, Ordinary Least Squares (OLS), and Probit Model in empirical analysis. The empirical results found that consumer behavior, different products, and manufacturers have a significant influence on the transaction profits of the online platform. To further investigate the distributional effect of the determinants, I estimate the profit model using the Quantile Regression (QR) model. The results of this study provides recommendations for the manufacturers to bring out better services for different potential customers. Also, this research provides suggestions of agricultural e-commerce and to provide reference for relevant follow-up researchers.


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