  • 學位論文


“Manufacturing” a Pastoral Dream? The Experience of Second Homes in Sanshing, Yi-Lan

指導教授 : 劉可強


受2000年農業發展條例修正與2006國道五號通車後,農舍興建資格鬆綁與時空壓縮影響之下,醞釀多年的「宜蘭經驗」成果所形塑的城市形象,使宜蘭成為島內移居首選之地。在移居熱潮下,不乏以休閒作為移居目的的移居型態逐漸增加,原本屬於農民才可以「特許」興建的農舍成為不動場開發的住宅商品,而阡陌的蘭陽平原則成為移居者心目中風格迥異的生活載體。就此現象,本研究以宜蘭三星一帶之第二居所移居者作為探討對象,試著討論此類移居型態下的移居者個人、社群與在地生活所產生的交互作用與影響。 研究中發現,農舍成為第二居所移居者實踐個人「生活風格」之地,但在鄉村原有的農業生產空間與生活空間重疊與交互影響下,暴露於農業生產環境的鄉村生活,與移居者的田園想像產生了極大的落差與生活干擾。且受限於血緣關係,第二居所短期性的居住型態不利於移居者融入地方既有社會網絡,進而形成共存卻分離的生活狀態,甚至導致第二居所移居者與在地居民間的隔閡。 然而,面對他者建構的「田園詩意」與真實環境交互作用下,第二居所移居者並不全然是被動受支配的業主,或者擾動在地的外來者而已。透過居所營造與經營,彰顯移居者對於鄉村環境回應與都市生活的抵抗意識外,藉由個體、團體的社會資本與文化資本串聯組成的移居社群、網絡,成為移居者彌補在地生活與地方網絡上的限制,進而塑造出移居者所期待的鄉間生活。


第二居所 田園詩意 移居者


After the Amendment of Agricultural Development Act in 2000 and the inauguration of National Freeway No. 5 in 2006, the lifting of farmhouse construction limitation and the compression of time and space, along with the city image cultivated throughout the years by its “Yi-Lan Experience,” has made Yi-Lan the optimal spot for migration in Taiwan. During this wave of migration, an increasing number of people moved to Yi-Lan for the purpose of leisure. As a consequence, farmhouse construction that was originally a special permission owned by farmers has now turned into a product of commodification. The Lanyang Plain has also become a carrier of diverse lifestyles. With the migrants of the second homes in Sanshing of Yi-Lan as the focus, the study aims to investigate the interaction and mutual influences that the given migration had on individuals, communities, and the local lives of its migrants. The study indicated that farmhouses have become where those migrants of the second homes fulfill their personal lifestyles. However, the overlapping space of agricultural production activities and people’s living environment, along with their interactive influences have brought daily nuisance and great disappointment to the migrants due to the gap between reality and expectation. Additionally, the locals’ existing blood relationships and the migrants’ housing pattern of short stay do not help them to acclimate themselves to the local social network. The coexisting yet isolated living situation has even led to the estrangement between migrants and local residents. Under the interactive influence triggered by the rural idyll myth and the actual living environment, however, second home owners can serve more than a blindly controlled landlord or a disturbing outsider. Instead, the reaction migrants have for the rural environment, as well as their inner resistance towards urban life, can be reflected upon residence construction and management. Migrants can utilize the social and cultural capital gathered by individuals or groups to form their own community and social networks to compensate for the insufficiency and challenges they face. In turn, they can eventually create their rural lives more in-line with their expectations.


second homes rural idyll migrant


