  • 學位論文


A Study of the competitim of the third-party payment in Taiwan.

指導教授 : 婁國仁


台灣的電子商務交易發展的越來越成熟,從一開始的產業網際網路 B to B 模式(企業與企業之間的電子商務交易) 進而衍生了消費者網際網路 B to C (企業與消費者之間的電子商務交易),商家嗅到了網路強大的消費商機,轉變各種供應鏈的型態將產品的銷售導向驅向了網路商店,產生了各種電子商務的交易。在電子商務蓬勃發展後各家平台開始結合銀行以提供更多元安全且方便的支付模式供消費者做支付選擇。也因此許多企業期盼並積極推動政府開放台灣的第三方支付模式。 本研究主要的目的是為探討第三方支付在台灣的競爭力,以台灣不論在實體或電子商務交易時,喜愛使用信用卡做消費支付,因而本研究以信用卡的使用內容與第三方支付內容二者來做研究及比較,探討第三方支付如何改變台灣消費者的使用習慣,並探討第三方支付為消費者帶來的效益。 在研究後建議第三方支付業者必須提供消費者更多元化的服務及優惠來吸引消費者的使用,不只是電子商務的交易也應加強在民眾一般生活消費市場的好處帶來提升競爭的優勢。


電子商務 第三方支付 B to B B to C


The transition of the industry Internet pattern B to B (e-commerce transaction from business to business) to consumer Internet B to C (e-commerce transaction between business and consumer) marked the beginning of the maturation of Taiwan’s E-commerce transaction industry. By re-directing the chain of product supply from store to online, the network business sensed a strong opportunity to foster a new consumer market. With the booming e-commerce platform, the next logical step was to provide a safe and convenient payment meta model for consumers to use by enlisting the cooperation of various banks. This encouraged companies to actively promote open government and Taiwan’s third-party payment mode. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the competitiveness of Taiwan’s third party payment whether in the store or via e-commerce, compare the advantages and disadvantages of credit card vs third party payment, see how third-party payment could change Taiwanese consumer’s habits, and explore the consumer benefits that are brought through using third-party payment. At the end of this study, we hope to use the results to provide an analysis on changes third-party payment industry can make to provide a wider variety of services and promotions to further attract consumers, not only through e-commerce but also every-day transactions.


e-commerce third-party payment B to B B to C


8. 電子商務,經理人月刊,2006
6. 張曉平(2011),電子商務線上金流之研究,大同大學資訊經營研究所碩士論文。
一、 中文部分
1. 李俐俐(2004),台灣信用卡市場概況,中國商銀月刊 。
2. 余啟民(2015),從電子商務角度看我國第三方支付法律與實務發展,台灣全國律師法學期刊,第19卷,第2期,28-36。


