  • 學位論文


Intertextuality study on Northern Song-Dynasty's poetry and Han-Yu

指導教授 : 周彥文


錢鍾書曾說:「韓昌黎之在北宋,可謂千秋萬歲,名不寂寞矣。」韓愈為學界所公認的地位與成就,主要是經歷北宋時期而逐漸形成,不管是古文復古、詩文革新運動,均以標榜韓愈為名。因此,本論文將以韓愈與韓詩作為探討的主綫,討論北宋文人如何理解並接受韓愈與韓詩。由於,他們所接受的韓愈未必是中唐時期的韓愈,所以,本文希望借助「互文性」理論,採取歷史的縱向與橫向的觀察,以釐清他們心目中對於韓愈形象的不同,而北宋詩人對於韓愈的詮釋與北宋的社會環境之間的關係,作爲探討的方向。 本論文共分爲五章: 第一章 緒論:作爲論文的第一章説明本論文對命題的基本論點、最重要的是對於西方文學的「互文性」理論的解説。 第二章 問題與目的:將從研究的目的與研究方法、研究範疇與各章節架構的要點作大略的解説。 第三章 歐陽修與蘇軾:歐陽修與蘇軾的書寫較注重個人情感的宣洩,不耐於形式的束縛。從歐陽修那力求「窮而後工」的提出,與蘇軾跨文類的角度出發,它不只影響了宋代詩學典範的選擇與美學觀的改變。而且藉由期待視野的不同,使「無一字無來處」與「陶冶萬物」等術語,又如何化腐朽為神奇,以俗為雅,理解這看似矛盾的話語,看待其與韓愈和韓詩的態度與互文的方式。 第四章 王安石與黃庭堅:王安石與黃庭堅是主張堅守傳統文類,認爲詩必須有詩的形式與風格,才能有詩的味道,提倡不該輕易的改變。所以探討他們的書寫將如何閲讀與解構已經被歐陽修所定型了的韓愈的詩歌,將韓愈的書寫策略為己用,開創與總結出屬於自己或時代的藝術成就。從中,了解宋代詩人如何凴藉自己的詮釋方式,以達到自成一家的目的,歸納出一種屬於宋人獨特的文學成規,以重新界定宋代詩歌的脈絡。 第五章 總結:歸納本論文的重點,與總結成果,最後基於本課題的研究衍生出可能的展望。


互文性 韓愈 北宋詩 歐陽修 蘇軾 王安石 黃庭堅


Zhong-shu Qian once said that: “Han-Yu’s reputation is legendary during the Northern Song Dynasty”. The recognized academic status and achievement of Han-Yu by academicians started from Song’s dynasty. We can see that any reform of classical prose and poem in Song Dynasty are also influenced by Han-yu, so that we can said that Han-yu are inseparable with the literature during Song-dynasty. First of all, this paper will discuss how Song’s poets understand and accept Han-Yu and Han-Yu’s poems as mainstream, and secondly introduce “intertextuality” as the theoretical basic and applies it to the study of the phenomena of the Song’s poetry, the purpose to examine the interaction and relationship between Song Poets and Han-Yu. This research comprises as five chapters: The First Chapter: Introducing the scope of this research thesis, with emphasis on the discussion of “intertextuality” theory. The Second Chapter: Research purposes and research methodology; introduce the main points of each chapter. The Third Chapter: To consider the works of Ou Yang-Xiu and Su-Shi, who are two of the most established poets during the Song Dynasty, and the manner their literary creations influence literary Aesthetics of Song. With the theory of “every word has its source” and “fuse old word to become new ideas” to improve Song’s Poem. It can make Song’s poet become different or better than Tang’s Poet. The Fourth Chapter: the poetry of Wang An-Shi and Huang Ting-Jian are related with Han-yu and shown the way how they understanding or explain Han-yu. They have their own way to conclusion the writing of previous, and generalize the new writing methods. The new writing wish is the way to show poet’s personal and historical identities’ via his own poem. The Fifth Chapter Conclusion: Summarising the main points and drawing a main conclusion of this thesis, as well as providing further research areas on the research topic.


