  • 學位論文

公辦民營醫院經營關鍵成功因素之探討-以「團隊-品質-顧客 (TQC)」為架構

The Study of Critical Success Factors (CSF) of Public-Owned and Private-Run Hospital : A Framework of Team-Quality-Customer

指導教授 : 黃振豊


近年來財力雄厚的財團法人醫院林立,醫療機構呈現大規模趨勢,醫療資源趨近飽和,醫療服務業面臨高度競爭環境,經營走向企業化。隨著健保財政日趨緊縮,屢屢改變健保給付方式,更考驗經營者的應變能力、執行力、管理機制及策略運用。公立醫療體系較乏彈性之經營方式實難因應丕變的醫療環境,加上近年政府財政陷入困境,諸多政策朝向開源節流,「公辦民營醫院」應運而生,期待藉此創造政府、經營者與民眾「三贏」空間。 本研究從經營管理角度,探討公辦民營經營關鍵成功因素是甚麼,及因素間是否具相關性。本研究採個案研究方式進行,擇定經營績效優異之個案醫院,與經營者、高階主管及醫管界專家顧問進行深度訪談,應用紮根理論進行資料分析,過程中回顧與主題相關實證文獻,並佐以觀察、文件及檔案紀錄等多重證據來源,尋求主要關鍵構面及組成因素;最後並對相關問題提出討論。 本研究發現如下: 1.個案醫院領導者在獨特的環境及背景因素二個外部構面下,建構正確經營理念,帶領經營團隊以品質管理及顧客導向為經營策略主軸,建立組織文化。 2.從個案醫院之初級及次級資料內容分析,在三個關鍵構面下,有十一個關鍵成功因素影響醫院經營績效:卓越的領導效能、高效率執行能力、企業化管理技術能力、堅定的經營理念、運用多重管理工具、建構合宜績效制度、優質的專業能力與設備、持續的創新能力、人文化的藝術空間、良好顧客關係、營造健康社區。 3.關鍵構面及因素間具密切關聯性,或互為相關,或互為影響。


While the finance of the national health insurance is tighter, ways of national health insurance reimbursement are changed from time to time, which put the management of hospital to the test the ability of adoption, execution, management mechanism, and strategic planning. Public health care systems lack a flexible ability of operation, making themselves hard to adopt to the ever changing environment. Since the government's finance is tighter in recent years, many new policies are subjected to limited funds. In light of the situation, privatization of public hospitals, or public-owned private-run hospitals, is invented to create a win-win-win partnership between government,operators and the public. From management perspective, the research discusses the critical success factors of privatization of public hospitals and whether the factors are interrelated. Based on the method of case study, the research chooses hospitals with proven successful business records and uses indepth interview with hospital directors, top management and medical care experts and consultants. Grounded theory is also applied in the research for data analysis. In this study, I've looked the literature related to the topic and seek the key issues and factors of the compositio, with my observation, documents and file records. The major findings in the research as follows: 1)Case’s leader builds up the operation idea, based on the business strategy of quality management and customer oriented to setup organization culture, under it unique environment and context. 2)In the analysis of primary and secondary data, the researcher finds that 11 critical success factors of three critical constructs affect the performance of hospital. These factors include excellent leadship efficiency, high execution efficiency, enterprise management skills, firm business ideal, application of multi-management tools, establishment of a proper rewarding system, quality profeesional ability and equipment, continuous innovation ability, art space, great customer relations and the building of a healthy community. 3)The critical constructs and factors are correlated or interrelated or influence each other.


48.黃麗珍,2002,建構6 Sigma在國內醫院之導入模式,中原大學碩士論文。


