  • 學位論文

精神分裂疾患主要照顧者自覺 症狀處理之照護負荷相關因子探討— 以某精神專科醫院為例

The Factors of Self-Perceived Care Burden on Symptoms Management to Caregivers of Schizophrenic Patients— A Psychiatric Hospital as an Example

指導教授 : 李選 教授


本研究目的在探討精神分裂症病患主要照顧者自覺症狀處理照護負荷之相關因子。研究方法以結構式問卷採立意取樣方式收集資料,研究樣本為台灣中部某精神專科醫院急性病房病患出院後首次返診時,陪伴精神分裂症病患就診之主要照顧者為取樣對象,取得樣本同意後經訪談進行問卷填寫。研究工具為參照宋麗玉發展之「照顧者負荷量表」,經五位專家完成信效度檢測,Cronbach’s α值.832。收案期間為99年3月至5月,共收案120名,並以Window for SPSS 14.0統計軟體進行資料分析,統計方法包含:描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、及ANOVA檢定。 研究結果發現:(1) 主要照顧者自覺照護負荷最強烈的前五項為:不知病患何時發病、暴力行為令其害怕、難以容忍他懶散不做事與胡言亂語、擔心病患有自傷行為等。(2)影響照顧者照護負荷之相關因子中,與病患症狀相關者為:情緒症狀與干擾行為出現頻率及病人之治療行為。(3) 影響主要照顧者照護負荷之相關因子中,與主要照顧者特質相關者為:心理烙印。 根據研究結果,研究者提出下列建議:1.落實出院計畫的研擬:建立針對照顧者自覺負荷較重項目之照護標準,為因應策略及指導原則,如:暴力行為、症狀評估與呈現負性之懶散與胡言亂語之行為等;2.針對主要照顧者具有心理烙印者提供特別指導;3.強化對病患之治療行為,提供病患及主要照顧者特別諮詢。盼此研究結果可供精神科臨床照護、居家照護與護理在職教育之參考,以提升照護品質。


This study is to investigate the related factors on self-perceived care burden dealing with symptoms management to caregivers of schizophrenic patients. Methods a structured questionnaire was used purposive sampling to collect data, study sample object is a psychiatric hospital in central Taiwan acute ward patients first return visit after discharge, the companionship of schizophrenia patients to the primary caregivers for the sampled object, samples obtained by consent after the interview questionnaires. Research tool for the development of the light Li-Yu Song, "caregiver burden scale", the five experts to complete testing the reliability and validity, Cronbach's α value of .832. Period of study recruited from March to May, 2010, 120 cases were received, and Window for SPSS 14.0 statistical software for data analysis, statistical methods include: descriptive statistics, independent sample t test, and ANOVA test. The results showed: (1) self care, caregiver burden was the strongest of the top five: do not know when the incidence of patients, fear of violence make it difficult to tolerate his laziness to do nothing and nonsense, since the patients concerned injury behavior. (2) The impact of caregiver burden of care related factors, and patient symptoms related to by: emotional symptoms and disturbing behaviors, the frequency of treatment and patient behavior. (3) the impact of caregiver burden of care related factors, and caregiver characteristics related to by psychological scars. Based on the findings, the researchers made the following recommendations: 1. The implementation of discharge planning to develop: the establishment of a heavier burden for caregivers perceived the standard of care project in order to cope with strategies and guiding principles, such as: violence, symptom evaluation and prediction show The lazy and the nonsense of negative behavior, etc.; 2. for caregivers who have a mental imprint special guidance; 3. strengthen the behavior therapy patients, providing patients and caregivers special advice. The results of this study hope for psychiatric care, home care and nursing reference service education to improve the quality of care.


Schizophrenia symptom management Care Burden


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