  • 學位論文


A Study on Energy Efficient Design Principles for Architectural Skin in Hot and Humid Environments

指導教授 : 蔡仁惠


建築皮層擔負調節室內與外在環境氣候差異之介面功能,本質上應為呼應在地環境氣候之節能設計。建築物自工業革命後,因過度仰賴建築設備以及流於慣性的工法或黏貼表層材而使結構牆體直接裸露,建築皮層擔負調節的功能已被嚴重忽略。面對21世紀氣候變遷影響,建築皮層之本質應重新被重視。 台灣地處亞熱帶,夏季高溫、高濕、多雨,為求舒適居住環境,大量使用空調系統降溫除濕、耗損能源,適當建築皮層設計可因應與調節室內外環境條件間的衝擊,提升室內環境之舒適度。 本研究針對探討建築皮層本質、節能等議題重新思考建築皮層設計,歸納出皮層節能設計15項原則,以此設計原則用來檢視分析文湖捷運線南港展覽館站皮層設計並提出建築皮層應為呼應在地環境氣候及台灣地處亞熱帶應運用被動式手法順應自然特質之節能設計改善。建議後續研究三個著重方向:一、應建立皮層具備應對環境氣候,調節室內外舒適度實質效益。二:以了解使用者對於建築皮層節能環境及設施之感受,所得成果回饋於營運管理及環境營造之持續提升。三、以被動式手法了解本土氣候對於建築皮層節能環境及設施之運用。綜合以上改善建議作為提供未來台灣濕熱地區建築皮層規劃時參考。


Architectural skin serves as an interface for regulating differences between the indoor and outdoor environment, and should have an energy efficient design adapted to the local environment and climate. After the Industrial Revolution, architectures being overly dependent on equipment and conventional techniques or surface material has resulted in the direct exposure of their structure walls, severely neglecting the regulatory function of architectural skin. As we face major climate changes in the 21st century, it is crucial that we shift our attention to the nature of architectural skin. Taiwan is located in the subtropics, where the summers are hot, humid and rainy. Taiwanese people extensively use air conditioning systems to lower the temperature and humidity, so as to make their living environment more comfortable, but at the cost of high energy consumption. A suitable architectural skin design can reduce the impact of the exterior environment and make the interior environment more comfortable. After reconsidering the nature of architectural skin and energy conservation related issues, this study proposes 15 principles for designing an energy efficient architectural skin. This study further uses these principles as basis for evaluating the architectural skin design of Nangang Exhibition Center Station, Taipei MRT, and proposes an improved energy efficient design using passive methods that cohere with the local environment and climate, or more specifically Taiwan’s subtropical climate. Finally, this study recommends three directions for future studies: 1. Establish the benefits of architectural skin to making indoor and outdoor environments more comfortable. 2. Understand user perception of environments and facilities with energy efficient architectural skin. Results will provide feedback for improving operations management and environment development. 3. Understand the application of passive approach to energy efficient design for architectural skin in the local climate. The abovementioned directions will provide reference for planning architectural skin in Taiwan’s hot and humid climate in the future.


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