  • 學位論文


The Competitive Advantages of Taiwan Branding in Trend Clothes

指導教授 : 邊守仁


潮流一詞近年來成為台灣各大服裝雜誌的報導對象,也是目前服飾業討論的熱門焦點,潮流服飾品牌的崛起在世界的服裝市場上已見到其成功的銷售實力,而台灣服飾業的生態也因為這股新生的勢力產生變化。但在台灣除了藉由媒體報導之外始終無正式史實資料及研究讓研究者一窺台灣潮流服飾品牌創立所應具備的元素與競爭優勢,因此本研究的目的,在於深入探討台灣潮流服飾品牌的競爭優勢,冀以為想從事此項工作之有志之士之參考資料。 本研究的研究步驟如下:首先收集品牌成立背景與資料文獻。 其次利用文獻分析法建立本研究架構與研究方法。最終透過個案的專家訪談與問卷評量及型態分析法,並與相關理論文獻及產業資訊交叉比對整合分析。 本研究得其結論: 一.運用潮流元素做為行銷優勢 二.落實品牌理論創造同業之中獨特的風格 三.以技術與文化的創新整合塑造品牌價值 四.透過核心能力提升保持競爭優勢。


Trend Apparel” has been the most popular stories in the past few years. Moreover, it is written in almost every fashion magazine in Taiwan. Nowadays it becomes the hottest issue of apparel industry . Take “ABATHING APE,” a Japanese brand, as an example,it is known as the worldwide leading apparel brand, and its success story has become a role model for Taiwan young designers and next generation. (CommonWealth Magazine 2009) In Taiwan, besides media coverages, none of authentic date or research provide evidence to have general public to realize fundamental elements and competition of Taiwan apparel industry. .. Thus, my research is to provide background information for those who is highly interested in engaging the business.In order to analyze the results, there are several analysis steps in this research, which go as follow: 1. To collect information of various brands as background information, data and archives. 2. To use the documentary analysis to establish research constructure and analysis. I’ll choose several significant Taiwanese brands and separate them into four categories: “Trend Speciality ”, “Brand Establishment”, “Marketing Models”, “Fundamental Resources”. The questionnaire will also contains twenty different attributes. From the statistics we can conclude the similarities and differences of local newly-built brands in Taiwan. 3. To compare data of interviewing professions with results of questionnaires and using the conclusion to intersect highly compared to and conformity analyze related research archives and industry information. Therefore,the conclusions of this research are going as follow: A. To make use of coverages of fashion trends as marketing advatages. B. to make use of brand theory to create an unique style amongst the industries. C. To integrate the innovative of technology and culture to cultivate brand value. D .To make use of core competence to maintain competition of industry.


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