  • 學位論文


Fabrication of CeFeO3 anode and its application on LSGM electrolyte-supported cell

指導教授 : 王玉瑞


本研究為利用固態反應法合成新型陽極鈣鈦礦結構之CeFeO3材料,由於CeFeO3材料需要在低氧分壓下才可生成相,比較氣氛及起始粉末粒徑尺寸對於相生成之影響,顯示小流量時可以製備出具CeFeO3之相,而起始粉末為微米CeO2和未球磨過之Fe2O3混合所製備之CeFeO3錠片有較緻密之微結構。而另一研究為利用固態反應法合成電解質支撐型所需之中溫電解質鎵酸鑭摻雜Sr、Mg之鈣鈦礦材料,當燒結於1500oC持溫10小時,即可獲得純相之鈣鈦礦結構,並於800oC操作溫度時導電率為0.19 S/cm。La0.8Sr0.2Ga0.83Mg0.17電解質厚度約為1.2 mm,將其網印上CeO2+Fe2O3、Ni-SDC和Ni-LDC三個不同之陽極和SCF陰極,觀察三個電池之顯微結構及電性比較。


In this study, a new perovskite-anode compound, CeFeO3, could be obtained by the synthesis of solid-state reaction. The purpose of this experiment was to compare with different parameters affecting the phase formation, for CeFeO3 could only be yielded in low oxygen pressure. Another experiment was to use solid-state reaction synthesizing LSGM electrolyte-supported IT-SOFC, its perovskite material. The material then was sintered and held at 1500oC for 10 hrs which resulted in the pure phase of perovskite mineral structure. As LSGM electrolyte operated at temperature 800oC, the conductivity was 0.19 S/cm. And the thickness of La0.8Sr0.2Ga0.83Mg0.17 electrolyte was 1.2 mm. The comparing of the microstructures and various properties of the three cells could be made by using the screen printing different anode pastes, CeO2 + Fe2O3, NiO-SDC, NiO-LDC and SCF cathode paste.


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