  • 學位論文


Design and Analysis of a Folding Scooter

指導教授 : 徐正會 賴明鈞


本研究係有關於摺疊車機構之分析與設計,並針對現有各種類型之摺疊車,進行專利公報及文獻背景蒐集,將其加以歸類整理與分析其優缺點,再根據分析結果,設計出具備底盤摺疊機構、車體摺疊機構與可堆疊車身外型輪廓功能的新型摺疊車。 本研究係有關於代步車之精進機構設計與轉向機構研究,為「摺疊車之機構創成研究」精進之細部設計,首先使用金屬管材來設計車架用以取代原金屬板車殼設計,再進行代步車之轉向機構以及懸吊裝置之設計。本研究輔以Solid Works繪製3D模型,並同時進行運動模擬及干涉檢查,再配合ANSYS11.0指令模組進行車體結構之應力分析,以確認強度與安全度,最後則進行實體模型之製作。


代步車 轉向機構 懸吊裝置


This research is about the analysis and design of folding car. The research has collected and analyzed all relevant patents and literatures in various types of existing folding car, extensively. The researcher classified these papers and analyzed its advantages and defects. Based on the results of the analysis, researcher designed new styles of folding car, which have functions of foldable chassis-mechanism, foldable vehicle body and stacked body shape. In this research, the mechanism design of steering system of scooter is investigated. The details design of mechanism design of a folding car is presented. First, metal tubes are used to substitute casing. And then, the steering system and suspension of scooter is designed. In this study, Solid Works is used to simulate exercise and check interference at the same time. Besides, in order to confirme the strength and security, ANSYS11.0 command module is employed to analyze the stress analysis of vehicle-body structure. Finally, the production of solid model is realized.


scooter steering system suspension


[9] Robert L. Norton, Design of Machinery, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc, 1999.
[7] Robert L. Norton, “Design of Machinery,” P.47-52, U.S., New York, McGraw-Hill Published, 2004.
[1] 美國麻省理工大學,Media Lab,網址:http://cities.media.mit.edu/,中華民國九十八年二月擷取。
[2] 網址:http://www.toyota.com.tw/5F_Tech/motorshow/2004_motorshow/ index.htm,中華民國九十八年二月擷取。
[3] 網址:http://blog.yam.com/antoniusvii/article/13417257/,網址:http://auto.howstuffworks.com/toyota-pm.htm/printable/ ,中華民國九十八年二月擷取。
