  • 學位論文


The relationship among cognitive function, resourcefulness, and recovery of schizophrenic patients in community.

指導教授 : 賴倩瑜


本研究旨在探討社區思覺失調症病人認知功能、智謀程度與復元程度的現況,並探討各變項之間的相關性。本研究屬橫斷性及相關性研究,對象為台灣南部某醫院附設社區復健中心,診斷為思覺失調症的個案,研究資料採結構性問卷收集,總共收集100位病人。研究工具包括知能篩檢測驗中文版2.0 (Cognitive Abilities Screening Instrument Version C-2.0;CASI C-2.0)、智謀量表(Resourcefulness scale)、復元狀況量表(The Stages of Recovery Scale)以及人口學變項四個部份。以描述性統計、皮爾森積差相關、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、及線性迴歸等推論性統計方法進行資料分析。 研究結果發現,100位社區思覺失調症病人認知功能平均為91.26(SD=7.25),顯示本研究對象之認知功能普遍良好;智謀程度平均得分為97.41(SD=20.65),顯示本研究對象之智謀屬於中等偏高程度;復元程度平均為95.53(SD=29.70),顯示本研究思覺失調症病人屬於第三復元階段,與障礙共存。另外,認知功能與復元程度呈現顯著正相關(r=.31, p<.01),智謀程度與復元程度亦呈現顯著正相關(r=.57, p<.001),認知功能與智謀程度呈現顯著正相關(r=.25, p<.05)。經過線性迴歸分析發現,工作狀況及智謀程度是復元的顯著預測因子,解釋變異量為37.5%。研究結果可提供精神復健機構研擬與智謀有關的有效介入措施,協助增強思覺失調症病人的復元程度。


The aims of the study were to explore the status of cognition, resourcefulness and recovery in patients with schizophrenia; and to examine the correlations among these variables. A cross-sectional and correlationalresearch design was used in this study. The subjects who had been diagnosed as schizophreniaswere invited into this study from a hospital affiliated community rehabilitation center. The data were collected by usingstructured questionnaires, such as Cognitive Abilities Screening Instrument Version C-2.0(CASI C-2.0), Resourcefulness scale, The Stages of Recovery Scale and demographic data.Finally, one hundred participants wererecruited in this study.Descriptive statistics and inferential statisticsincluding Person's correlation analysis, Independent Samples T- test, One-way ANOVA and Linear regression were applied to analyze the collected data. The results of this study showed that the mean score of CASI2.0 was 91.26(SD=7.25), which represented the cognitivefunction of theseschizophrenic patients was relatively well. The mean score of resourcefulness scale was 97.41(SD=20.65), which indicated that the subjects had moderate level of resourcefulness. Besides, the mean level of the recovery was 95.53(SD=29.70) which referred that the stage of recovery of these participants was in the 3rd stage, as “living with disability”. Furthermore, recovery level was significantly and positively correlated with cognitivefunction (r=.31, p<.01) and resourcefulness (r=.57, p<.001); cognitive functionwasalso significantly and positively correlated with resourcefulness (r=.25, p<.05). After linear regression analysis, occupational status and resourcefulness are both the predictorsof recovery level, and the 37.5% of variances were explained. The results of this study may bethe references to the rehabilitation institutes to design effective interventional program constituting resourcefulness, and consequently improve the recovery level of these patients with schizophrenia.


王黛玉、鈕文英、林國慶、吳裕益(2013).慢性精神分裂症者的認知功能與洗手衛生行為之相關-以某養護機構為例.身心障礙研究季刊,11(3),150 - 168。


