  • 學位論文


The relationship between physical fitness and shooting performance in Special Weapons and Tactics

指導教授 : 林槐庭


警察同仁持槍時的穩定性、協調性及平衡能力,可能與射擊準確度有關,而特殊任務警力是否因為具有優異的身體適能,而提高射擊準確性,則有待實證研究探討,若有這些研究資料也可以做為爾後警察同仁常年訓練及特警選材的參考。目的:探討特殊任務警力(SWAT)身體適能與射擊成績表現的相關性,並比較跟一般員警的差別,希望能歸納出實際影響射擊表現的因子。方法:本研究之對象為22-50歲間,特殊任務警力15名、一般員警13名,共計28名,實際投入外勤警察工作1年以上之現職警察人員。針對每一位特警與一般員警的上肢肌力、肌耐力、自主神經系統調控的指標-心率變異度及平衡能力,與射擊測驗的成績,做進一步的分析統計,比較之間的差異性與相關性。結果:特警組除了射擊成績(83.6分vs. 68.7分)及握力(52.1 kg vs. 47.4 kg)明顯優於一般組外,其餘心率變異度、上肢肌力及平衡能力,與一般組比較均無顯著性差異。特警組的身體適能,在BMI值及肘關節屈曲力矩部分,與射擊成績之間,呈現相當程度的相關性。一般組心律變異中低頻與高頻的比值,與射擊成績之間,已經達到顯著性相關之水準;另上肢肌力腕關節橈側偏移力矩,與射擊成績之間,亦有相當程度的相關性。結論:特警組除了握力明顯優於一般組外,其餘的身體適能並沒有比一般組優異,射擊成績較佳應與特警的甄選條件與訓練方式有關,兩組別影響射擊成績表現的身體適能有所不同。


肌力 心率變異度 平衡能力 特警


The stability, coordination, and balance ability when holding the gun of the police officers that may be correlated to pistol shooting accuracy. Whether the Special weapons and tactics (SWAT) are in better physical fitness to have higher accuracy of pistol shooting needs further investigated. Moreover, this information may provide the training guide for the police officers and for SWAT selection. The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between physical fitness and pistol shooting performance in SWAT, and find out the differences compare to the general police officers. Hope to find out the correlation physical fitness factors in shooting performance. Fifteen SWAT and 13 general male healthy police officers were recruited in current study. They are between the ages of 22-50 years old and have carried out the outside duties more than 1 year. The upper limb muscle strength and endurance, the index of regulating autonomic nervous system-heart rate variability (HRV), balance ability are the testing physical fitness parameters and find out their correlation to pistol shooting performance of SWAT and general police officers. The results showed that the SWAT group were significantly better than the general group only in the shooting performance (83.6 points vs. 68.7 points) and grip strength (52.1kg vs.47.4kg), and the others including heart rate variability, upper limb muscle strength and balance ability were no significant difference between groups. Moreover, the BMI and elbow flexion torque in the SWAT group showed a considerable degree of relationship to the shooting performance. The ratio of low frequency and high frequency of heart rate variability showed significant correlation with shooting performance in the general group. Moreover, the radial deviation torque of the wrist joint in general group almost reached significant correlation with the shooting performance. The physical fitness of the SWAT group was better than in general group only in grip strength in the testing parameters. The better shooting performance in SWAT may highly correlate to their training way and group selections. Moreover, the physical fitness in these two groups may have different effect in the shooting performance.


