  • 學位論文


Effective Self-Control Training: Development and Evaluation

指導教授 : 蔡宇哲


自我控制指的是個體能夠調整自己的行為並持續追求個人長期目標的能力 。自我控制不只幫助人類控制衝動以避免負向結果,也能促進許多正向結果,例如自我控制較佳的人較少抽菸和喝酒,學業成績和人際關係較好,因此如何提升自我控制是一個備受關注的議題。本研究針對自我控制的定義及理論,設計一套自我控制訓練,主題包含:影響自我控制的生理與心理因素、提升自我控制的策略、目標選擇與設定。訓練課程為期六週、每週兩小時。除了參與課程活動之外,每週皆有指定的回家作業需完成。參與者年齡介於20至26歲間,女性占70%。參與訓練課程者共有34人,另有23人未參加課程作為對照組別。在課程結束、一個月後及三個月後探討其立即與追蹤效果。結果發現:在「自我控制量表」的得分上,參與課程組的後測、一個月追蹤及三個月追蹤與前測比較皆有顯著提升,也顯著高於未參與課程的組別。而客觀的「握力測試」表現上,課程組在後測的提升程度優於控制組。本研究結果顯示,經過六週的訓練後自我控制有所提升,顯示訓練的設計確有成效,相關內容值得進行推廣,也期望未來可與特定領域結合(例如:學習成效與健康管理)做進一步的延伸。


Self-control is the ability to adjust behavior to pursue long-term personal goals continuously. Self-control helps individuals harness impulses so as to avoid negative results, and promote positive outcomes. Therefore, enhancing self-control has been widely interested. In this study, the definition and theory of self-control is investigated, and designed into a training course. To determine the immediate and lasting effect of the training, measurement is taken immediately after the course, one month after, and three months after. Course topics include: factors that influence self-control, ways to enhance self-control, goal selection and setting. Other than attending scheduled courses, participants were also required to complete take home practices. Participants were 20-26 years old, 70% female. A total of 34 participants took part in our six-week training, two hours per week. Another 23 participants who did not take the course were measured as control group. We primarily used self-control scale and handgrip task as assessment. The results showed significant improved score in the self-control scale in experiment group right after, one month after and three months after training. ANCOVA also indicates that the scores were significantly higher than control group. The experiment group’s performance on handgrip task were also enhanced greater than the control group. The study showed that after six weeks of training, self-control has been improved. This design of self-control training course had been proven effective, reliable, and worthy of promotion. For future extension, we look to more fields for further inspirations (for example: the effectiveness of learning and health management).


self-control willpower intervention handgrip task


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