  • 學位論文


Apply the Transtheoretical Model on the Exercise Behavior of the Female College Students

指導教授 : 王瑞霞


本研究是應用跨理論模式來探討大學女生運動行為,瞭解大學女生運動行為階段之分佈情形,以及不同的年齡、家庭社經地位、運動社團參與及自覺健康狀況等個人背景因素、同儕運動支持、運動改變過程、運動決策權衡與運動自我效能在不同運動行為階段的差異情形。 採抽籤隨機取樣方式,由高雄縣市十三所公私立科技大學曁技術學院中抽取六所學校,針對抽中的每一學校以集束抽樣方式,由1-4年級隨機抽取一個年級,再由抽中的年級隨機抽取一班,抽中班級之所有女學生選為本研究之樣本,共完成有效問卷228份。研究工具為結構式調查問卷,其內容包括基本資料、運動行為階段分類、同儕運動支持、運動決策權衡、運動自我效能及運動改變過程等量表。量表經信度與效度檢測,包括內在一致性、再測信度及專家內容效度。所得資料以次數、百分比、平均值、標準差等描述性統計、卡方檢定、單因子變異數分析及最小顯著差異事後多重比較來分析。 研究結果發現:(1)大學女生運動行為階段之分佈為無意圖期22.8%、意圖期49.6%、準備期18.0%、行動期7.9%及維持期1.8%。(2)研究對象具有中等程度的同儕運動支持及運動改變過程,中等以上程度的知覺運動利益及知覺運動障礙,與中下程度的運動自我效能。(3)運動社團參與及自覺健康狀況分別與不同運動行為階段大學女生之間具有顯著相關,但年齡及家庭社經地位則無顯著相關。(4)同儕運動支持與不同運動行為階段大學女生之間具有顯著差異,且自無意圖期到行動期與維持期呈現逐漸增加的情形。(5)運動改變過程、運動決策權衡及運動自我效能分別與不同運動行為階段大學女生之間具有顯著差異,且自無意圖期到行動期與維持期,運動改變過程、知覺運動利益及運動自我效能呈現逐漸增加,而知覺運動障礙逐漸減少的情形。(6)除了助人之人際關係外,意識覺醒、情感喚起、自我再評估、環境再評估、社會解放、自我解放、情境替代、刺激控制及增強管理等九個運動改變過程與不同運動行為階段大學女生之間皆具有顯著差異,且自無意圖期到行動期與維持期呈現逐漸增加的情形。 本研究結果可做為介入大學女生運動行為計劃之參考,針對不同運動行為階段的青少女採用不同的配套措施,以養成其規律運動習慣。另外,應用跨理論模式擴大於其他大學女生的研究,以加強本研究結果的推論性,並可採縱貫性研究瞭解相關因素的變化與運動行為階段變化之間的相關性。


This study applied the Transtheoretical Model to explore the exercise behavior of female college students. The purposes were to understand the distributions of stages of exercise behavior change, and the distributions of personal factors, the perceived health state, the perception of peer support, the processes of change, the decisional balance and the self- efficacy in different stages of exercise behavior change. Six colleges were drawn randomly from thirteen Technical Colleges in Kaohsiung area. One grade was selected from grade 1 to grade 4 by cluster sampling from each selected school. From the one grade selected, one class was chosen randomly. All female students of chosen classes were used as study subjects for this research. Finally, a total of 228 students were recruited in the study. A structural questionnaire including basic personal data, stage of exercise behavior change, perception of peer support, decisional balance of exercise, self-efficacy of exercise and the processes of change in exercise was used to collect data. The reliability and validity of questionnaire were evaluated by internal consistency, test- retest reliability and content validity. Frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Chi-square test, one-way ANOVA and LSD multiple comparisons were used to analyze the data. The results showed that: (1) The distributions of female college students’ stages of exercise behavior was 22.8% in precontemplation stage , 49.6% in contemplation stage, 18.0% in preparation stage, 7.9% in action stage, and 1.8% in maintenance stage; (2) The subjects had medium level of perception of peer support in exercise and processes of change in exercise , upper medium level of perceived benefits of exer- cise and perceived barriers of exercise, and low to medium level of self- efficacy in exercise; (3) The participation in sports teams and the per- ceived health status were significantly related to the stages of exercise behavior change, yet the age and socioeconomic status were not; (4) The perception of peer support were significantly different in different stages of exercise behavior and increased across the stages of change; (5) The processes of change, decisional balance and self-efficacy of exercise were significantly different among different stages of exercise behavior. More- over, the processes of change, perceived benefits of exercise and self- efficacy gradually increased across the stages of change. Perceived barriers of exercise gradually decreased across the stages of change; (6) Except for “helping relationships”, the other nine processes of change including : “consciousness raising”, “dramatic relief”, “self-reevaluation”, “environmental reevaluation”, “social-liberation”, “self-liberation”, “counterconditioning”, “stimulus control” and “reinforcement manage- ment” were significantly different among different stages of exercise behavior. Moreover, these nine processes of change increased across the stages of change. The results of this study can serve as a reference to projects on the female college students concerning exercise interventions. We can use different exercise strategies for female adolescents in different stages of exercise behavior so that they can acquire regular exercise habits. In addition, extensively applying the Transtheoretical model to other research group of female college students can increase the generality of this research results. Making a longitudinal study can help realize the correlation between the change of related factors and stages of exercise behavior.


Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological Review, 84(2), 191-215.


