  • 學位論文


The Archaeological Reconstruction and Contemporary Recuperation of The Oresteia: On Chen Li-Hua, Hung Hung, and Tien Qi-Yuan’s adaptations

指導教授 : 楊莉莉


1994年年底至1996年初,台灣接連出現四齣《奧瑞斯提亞》(The Oresteia)的改編製作:鴻鴻《三次復仇與一場審判──民主的誕生》(1994年10月)、陳立華《奧瑞斯提亞三部曲》(1995年5月)、理查•謝喜納(Richard Schechner)《奧瑞斯提亞三部曲》(1995年10月)與田啟元《甜蜜家庭》(1996年1月),四戲從詮釋動機、演出編制、導演手法至表演風格皆大相逕庭,成品各具特色。陳立華意圖再現古希臘劇場的原始風華,全戲從劇本翻譯、劇場形制的建構至風格化演技皆一致呈現仿古風貌,形塑莊嚴的儀式氛圍。相反地,鴻鴻為現世而作,於原劇框架置入直接指涉當代的政治人物、群眾的負面特質與選舉暴力,藉此針砭台灣民主初興政客操弄民心的亂象,此戲宛若一幅滑稽逗趣的「政治諷刺畫」。田啟元的臨終遺作《甜蜜家庭》,則透過「瘋狂」和「戲中戲」架構改寫《奧瑞斯提亞》,以此質疑社會體制的建構進程、映射真實與人性的多面性,亦觀照自身的生命終曲。本文將就陳立華的「考古重建」、鴻鴻的「政治諷刺畫」與田啟元的「瘋狂家庭」,從搬演形式、劇本改編、舞台調度與90年代台灣小劇場風貌等面向,論析《奧瑞斯提亞》與當代台灣的交會辯證。


Unprecedentedly, four adaptations from The Oresteia hit the theater circles in Taiwan successively from the late 1994 to the early 1996: Hung Hung’s Three Revenges and One Trial—The Birth of Democracy, Chen Li-Hua’s The Oresteria, Richard Schechner’s The Oresteia and Tien Qi-Yuan’s Sweet Family. Four versions differ far from each other in interpreting intentions, theatrical orchestration, directing method and performance styles. Chen Li-Hua attempted to conjure up the original magnificence of the ancient Greek theatre. Through “archaeological reconstruction,” Chen’s work conveyed a ritual solemnity in script interpretation, theatrical arrangement and stylized acting. Unlike Chen’s aloofness, Hung Hung pragmatically approached the issue on the disorder and manipulations by then politicians. Hung’s work pointed out the “caricature” of the incumbent democracy—the agitating politicians, the aroused mass, and the electoral violence. As to Sweet Family, staged before Tien’s death, he employed the finesses of madness and metadrama. He not only acutely questioned the formation of social hierarchy but also sagaciously probed into reality and human nature, which acted as a reflection of Tien’s own life experiences. With Chen’s “archaeological reconstruction”, Hung’s “political caricature” and Tien’s “insane family”, this thesis aims to canvass the dialectics between these three adaptations and contemporary Taiwan society in light of staging forms, text adaptations, mise en scene, and the background of Taiwan Little Theatre of the 90’s.


戴雅雯(Catherine Diamond)著,呂健忠譯,1997。〈幻境牌坊啪啦響:當代台灣劇場的京劇實驗〉,《中外文學》25卷8期,頁65-89。


