  • 學位論文


Wu-Mei and the Traditional Chinese Drama (Opera) Education in Modern Times (1884~1939)

指導教授 : 李殿魁


晚清至民初,中國在內憂外患的現實問題逼迫下,面臨了文化思想必須根本變格的問題,知識份子開始探索新的思惟模式,以將中國幾千年的典章制度、思想傳統延續下來。反對封建思想的「平等」觀,破除了學術的尊卑貴賤,促使向來受到輕賤的戲曲、小說,受到知識階層矚目;保存國粹的「民族」觀,結合了學術平等的思想,敦促著知識份子進行大量的國學研究、普及、傳承的工作,戲曲於焉成為具體的學術門類;從整理國故到全盤西化,傳統文化遭到揚棄,戲曲研究的主流方法,演變為對傳統文化予以總結的 「史學」研究,戲曲藝術的消亡,則加速了這樣的研究趨勢。 吳梅和王國維二人,替晚清戲曲學術停滯不前的局面,開創了一番新氣象,然吳梅的一生歷經了「學術平等」、「全盤西化」兩次典範的轉移,又涉足了創作、表演、治學、教學、推廣等各層面的活動,無疑是引領研究者穿梭於近代戲曲學術興起歷史場景的最佳人選,更勝於王國維。 本論文嘗試透過深入描述與分析吳梅的戲曲學術活動及其和時代的關係,探索吳梅為近代戲曲學術創建工程的貢獻,並勾勒出一條近代戲曲學術興起的歷程。


From the late Qing Dynasty to the early Republic of China, the Chinese society, suffering from foreign intrusions and poverty, faced enormous change in both cultural and philosophical aspects. In order to keep alive the Chinese culture and spirit, the intellectuals searched for new paradigm of the era. The paradigm during this time had shifted quickly from academic equalitarian to cultural nationalism, then to complete westernization. The traditional Chinese fiction and drama (opera), used to be considered low and valueless, became symbol of the new era. Intellectual started to pay attention to and do research on the traditional Chinese drama (opera). And among those, Wu Mei and Wang Guo-wei were the earliest and most important. Nevertheless, Wu Mei had two special qualities, which make him even more important than Wang Guo-wei in our study----the formation of Chinese drama (opera) education and study in modern times. First, Wu Mei faced two major paradigm shifts in his life. Second, he had experiences in writing, composing, acting, studying, teaching and promoting the traditional Chinese drama (opera). Both the two qualities will help researcher to understand the real history of traditional Chinese drama (opera) during the late Qing to early Republic of China. In this dissertation, I will try to analyze Wu Mei’s academic works in terms of their relation with the trend of thought and the transformation of educational system. By such analysis, we can both understand Wu Mei more comprehensively, and gain a panorama of the preliminary state of traditional Chinese drama (opera) education during the late Qing to early Republic of China.


Lutz, Jessie G.(傑西.格.盧茨),曾鉅生譯,《中國教會大學史(1850~1950)》(China and the Christian Colleges 1850-1950)。浙江:浙江教育,1987年 。
張仲禮,李榮昌譯,《中國紳士——關於其在19世紀中國社會中作用的研究》(The Chinese Gentry; Studies on Their Role in Nineteenth- Century Chinese Society)。上海:上海社會科學院出版社,1991。


