  • 學位論文


A Negotiation Strategy Study of Collaborative Maintenance Chain and Its Multi-Agent Platform Design and Development

指導教授 : 張瑞芬


目前存在於電力輸配系統裡的大部分維修模式,仍然依賴當事故發生後,被動地由人員發現並通知具維修能力之系統廠來進行事故後維修,另一種則是透過每年一度進行全面檢修保養作業之週期性維修,兩者皆無法有效預防突發性事故的發生。所以本研究以電力輸配系統為案例,討論在現行維修鏈上的整體利益、維修決策,以及突發性應變行為等內容予以考量,有效將維修作業的效能反應在工程資產的維護上,以此預防資產的故障可能性。同時,運用以狀態為基維修技術與概念來進行協同維修鏈之設計,提出以工程資產管理中心撮合設備使用者端、系統廠與協力廠商不同的個別目標來推導出最適決策,並對推導過程裡以技術投入前期策略、最大化系統利潤維修時間與事故維修協商機制等各階段策略,使得維修資源充分利用的情況下來協調各層參與者的各自目標。   最後,為了彈性反應快速變遷之資訊系統,本研究導入多代理人系統以實作一雛型系統,藉由將不同資料庫與系統包裹成代理人形態,並賦予代理人相對應權限,將可有效協助人類進行資訊溝通,討論協商,進而產出具高度參考價值之決策。並利用多代理人技術所具備的主動行為、察覺情境、相互溝通及自治能力的特性,來建立分散式環境下資訊傳遞溝通機制,以加速分散式系統間計算、溝通、協調與維修決策之效率。


Traditionally the maintenance process in the electricity transmission system relies on the shutdown repair and periodic maintenance, which is lacking to avoid the equipment unexpected failure. Therefore, this research discusses how to effectively and efficiently deal with the resources to make the entire system more competitive with a case on the maintenance chain of a current electricity transmission system. Meanwhile, this research uses condition-based maintenance technology to construct a negotiation strategy on collaborative maintenance chain, provides an engineering asset management center platform for asset operation site, system provider and first-tier collaborator to negotiate their maintenance decisions. Moreover, this research discusses different roles involved in electricity transmission system and their decisions, including predictive maintenance initial period strategy, system benefit optimization of maintenance timing and emergency maintenance negotiation mechanism. The objectives of different departments plan their resources allocation efficiently and effectively for the maintenance process and scheduled maintenance timing to ensure the best utilization. Finally, this research applies multi-agent system (MAS) technology to implements a prototype system. Via wrapping the systems and databases into agents with certain degree of authorities, these agents are able to assist humans in information communication, discussion and negotiation, and finally the generation of decisions. Consequently, the MAS technology with characteristics such as pro-activity, reactivity, social ability, and autonomy into this collaborative maintenance chain is applied to enhance the communication efficiency.


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