  • 學位論文


The Effects of Strategic Supply Chain Partnership on Buyer’s Operation Performance

指導教授 : 謝龍發


供應鏈策略夥伴關係對買方營運績效之影響的研究 摘 要 由於企業電子化的蓬勃發展,二十一世紀的企業經營管理不再局限於企業內部的營運控管,因為僅是成功的進行公司內部跨功能組織界面之流程改造,其所帶來的營運績效不足以構成企業的競爭優勢。企業與企業之間存在著許多有待整合的界面問題,為了建構一個完整的上下游供應鏈關係,必須針對上下游間的買賣關係進行整合性的管理。簡言之,透過策略夥伴關係之構成要素進行關係要素組合及配合企業營運績效組成要素建立綜合績效指標,在此基礎上有效實施供應鏈管理,買賣雙邊藉由發展資訊分享、界面之承諾控制協調、及合作氣候等緊密夥伴關係可以在成本、創新、品質、交期及彈性獲得績效使企業擁有競爭優勢。 本研究集中探討策略夥伴關係之關係要素組合和買方營運績效之綜效表現的關係。經過實證分析獲得研究結論為供應鏈策略夥伴關係存在一關係要素組合與買方營運績效的綜效表現具有顯著關係。由第一典型相關推論獲得以〈合作程序特徵〉,〈合作氣候〉及〈買賣雙方之界面承諾〉為高相關、高權值之組合典型變數〈最佳關係組合〉和預測典型變數〈最佳營運整合績效〉明顯相關。而買方績效變數組中之〈成本〉,〈創新〉之績效和預測典型變數明顯相關且為高權值。針對產品類型此一干擾變數以集群分析法劃分為功能性及創新性二類型將問卷資料依類型分別執行典型相關分析。不同產品類型下其高相關、高權值之績效變數有顯著差異。創新性產品其績效表現依序集中在創新、品質。而功能性產品其績效表現明顯集中在成本。而在夥伴關係要素組合上創新性產品有較高之相關值及加權系數表現在〈合作程序特徵〉及〈買賣雙方之界面承諾〉、功能性產品有較高之相關值及加權系數表現在〈工程部門間之溝通管道〉、〈買賣雙方之界面控制〉及〈合作氣候〉。 研究結果可做為企業衡量買賣雙邊關係發展的參考依據,或在期望條件下修正雙邊關係。分析買方所認知不同供應鏈策略夥伴關係要素組合條件下,對買方各項營運績效的相關性。使企業界瞭解供應鏈策略夥伴關係賴以維繫之要素對企業營運綜合績效的影響。 關鍵詞:供應鏈策略夥伴關係、買方營運績效、產品類型


ABSTRACT As business evolves into the twenty-first century, internal cross-functional process reengineering is not sufficient for competitive advantage. Cross-firm boundary problems remain to be resolved, extended horizontal inter-firm integration is needed in order to build a seamless upstream and downstream environment. Through an understanding of a supply chain strategic alliance relationship elements and what kind of array of these elements can be an indices for a successful buyer's performance. Supply chain strategic alliance relationship elements are measured by information sharing system, boundary spanning commitment, boundary spanning coordination, boundary spanning control, communication channel, corporation process characteristics, and corporation climate, while buyer’s performance are measured by quality improvement, cost reduction, flexibility enhancement, adequate delivery, and innovation improvement. This study is aimed at relating an array of characteristic elements embodying in a supply chain strategic alliance relationship to an array of buyer’s performance. Experimental results provide evidence that linkages exist between the above two arrays. The first pattern from canonical correlation analysis infers that corporation process characteristics, corporate climate, boundary spanning commitment comprise a higher correlation and weighting canonical function to significantly related to an array of buyer’s performance in cost reduction and innovation improvement. Canonical correlation analysis is also applied to two subsets classified as functional and innovational product types. Significant differences appear in the analysis results. The higher correlation and weighting of relationship characteristics of the former are on communication channel on engineer, boundary spanning control and corporation climate, while the innovational product type has higher correlation and weighting on corporation process characteristics and boundary spanning commitment. As to the performance set, innovational product type has higher correlation and weighting on innovation and quality improvement, while the functional product type product has higher correlation and weighting on cost reduction. Research results could serve as a vehicle for a successful buyer-supplier relationship development or a supply chain strategic alliance partnership refinement. The effort is on the searching of the linkage between a composite of strategic partnership elements and a buyer’s performance synergy with the hope that informative results could shed some light on the success of supply chain strategic alliance practice, and in turn the buyer’s competitive performance advantages. Key words: supply chain strategic alliance, buyer’s operation performance, innovation and functional product type


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