  • 學位論文


The relationship study of trust and cooperative performance from manufacturer’s view toward its supplier— based on the electronic industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 謝龍發


合作的議題在近年來不斷被重視及討論,在充滿不確定性的環境中,廠商希望能藉由與其有合作關係的夥伴互相努力,透過彼此間相互付出的努力,達到雙方滿意的合作績效。而在合作關係建立的初期,雙方對於彼此都不盡了解時,合適的夥伴選擇是最重要的議題,而在此階段對於彼此的目的、所需要的資源及合作夥伴的特質聲譽等都必須進行了解。然而在長期合作中,雙方對彼此都有了一定程度的了解,互動是日常的運作的重心,信任則變成關係中的核心課題,而如何在日常的運作中達到令雙方滿意的合作績效,則是此階段值得探討的問題,故本研究以社會交換理論為基礎,注重合作關係中的交換行為,將研究的焦點放在(1)企業在長期合作中信任對於承諾所造成的影響(2)企業在長期合作中承諾對於信任行為有何影響(3)合作行為對於合作績效有何影響(4)依賴程度對於合作績效有何影響。 基於這樣的目的,本研究以電機電子工業同業公會作為研究對象,同時採取個問卷調查的方式進行資料收集,共寄出400 份郵寄問卷,回收有效問卷114 份,經由線性結構方程分析法來分析實証資料對研究假設模型的支持程度,使用的統計分析方法為 LISREL。研究主要的發現為: 1.信任必須透過承諾對於信任行為產生影響,以往的研究將信任及承諾皆視為同樣影響信任行為的變數,然而本研究結果顯示,信任會對承諾造成影響,而承諾會對信任行為造成顯著影響,故本研究認為信任會透過承諾對信任行為產生影響。 2.透過實證後確認對供應商的依賴對信任行為具有正向的影響,而對於合作績效沒有直接影響,由於與供應商的合作關係需要投入大量投資(如:時間和資源),廠商迫於移轉成本過高而不敢斷然放棄合作關係,而會以投入更多信任行為的表現來對於合作關係的綜合判斷作出反應,故此研究結果提供廠商繼續投入更多信任行為的理由。 3.信任行為對於合作績效具有正向影響,顯示企業必須根據己身對對方的承諾及依賴程度,透過信任行為的配合來影響合作績效,而承諾或是依賴皆經由信任行為來影響合作績效,表示合作績效的達成最主要是透過合作關係中實際具有風險的合作行為,而非僅由信任的態度即可達成合作之績效。


承諾 依賴 合作績效 信任行為 信任 合作


Issues concerned with cooperation are increasingly discussing and emerging. With rising uncertainty of business environment, firms are eager for the success and satisfaction of cooperation by mutual efforts and endeavors. In the relationship-building stage, the decision making focuses on the choice of appropriate partner because of limit understanding with each other. Partner’s purposes, resources in need, reputation and traits of partner are supposed to be probed. In the long-term cooperation relationship, however, with moderate understanding about partner, firms focus on the interaction with partner. As consequence, trust are core subjects in long-term cooperation relationship. But how to procure satisfactory cooperative performance throughout daily business operations is an open question. Based on this logic, we discuss exchange behaviors in the cooperation with social exchange theory, attempting to explore the relationship that (1)how trust affects commitment in long-term relationship (2)how commitment affects trusting behavior in long-term relationship (3) how trusting behavior affects cooperative performance (4) how the of degree of dependence on supplier affects cooperative performance, which is based on the theories of Social Exchange Theory and Commitment-Trust theory. . The research conducted comprehensive theoretical literature review in order to build the conceptual model of research. We developed questionnaire and conducted a subsequent survey in the electronic industry in Taiwan. We mailed 400 questionnaires and received 114 valid questionnaires. For measure validation, we used statistical methods such as coefficient alpha, item-to-total correlations, and exploratory factor analysis. Besides, LISREL 8.5 is utilized as the analytical tool for testing statistical assumptions and estimation of the measurement and structural equation models. After a series of analysis, our study yields more specific insights as follows: 1. Trust affects trusting behavior through commitment. Former researches deem trust and commitment the same order variables affecting trusting behaviors. Our analysis find that trust affects commitment and commitment affects trusting behaviors. In other words, trust affects trusting behaviors through commitment. 2. The degree of dependency on supplier has a positive impact on trusting behaviors but has no impact on cooperative performance. In long-term cooperation, firms do not hesitate terminate the relationship due to high switching cost and huge time and resources input during long-term partnership, so that firms will involve in the relationship by engaging in more trusting behaviors. The result illustrates why firms keep involving more trusting behaviors. 3. Trusting behaviors have a positive impact on cooperative performance.. Cooperative performance is affected by trusting behaviors but not trust or commitment variable.


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