  • 學位論文


Impact of Job Stress and Social Support on Burnout, Job Satisfaction and Quality of Life: A Study on Suicide Case Managers in Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃君瑜


自殺通報個案關懷訪視員為自殺防治工作第一線的助人工作者,隨著國人對工作壓力及身心健康的重視,已有許多相關的研究報告提出,但卻缺乏對於關懷訪視員工作壓力與身心健康的相關研究。本研究旨在探討台灣地區關懷訪視員工作壓力對職業倦怠、生活品質及工作滿意的影響。研究中以「負荷─控制─支持」工作壓力模型做為釐清關懷訪視員工作壓力與職業倦怠、生活品質及工作滿意之間關係。 研究採取橫斷式調查研究,使用自陳式問卷收集研究資料,研究問卷包含個人基本資料、工作特質量表、職業倦怠量表、工作滿意度量表以及台灣版世界衛生組織生活品質量表。研究對象為各縣市政府衛生局辦理102年度「整合型精神疾病防治與心理衛生工作計畫」之自殺通報個案關懷訪視員,共發出189份問卷,回收有效問卷共161份,研究資料運用SPSS17.0版套裝軟體進行分析。 關懷訪視員心理負荷增加,則情緒耗竭程度與職業倦怠感受會相對提高,而工作滿意則相對降低。當工作控制提高時,則其在情緒耗竭、缺乏工作成就及職業倦怠的感受會相對下降,工作滿意及生理範疇生活品質則會相對提升。社會支持越高,則情緒耗竭及職業倦怠的程度會下降,工作滿意越高。工作壓力感受會因性別、教育背景、有無宗教信仰的不同而有所差異。職業倦怠感受會因關懷訪視員教育背景的不同而有所差異。工作滿意程度則會因為性別、年齡及教育背景不同而有所差異。不同性別的關懷訪視員在生活品質的感受上有顯著的差異。 研究結果發現,關懷訪視員之人口學變項會影響其對於工作壓力的知覺、職業倦怠感受以及對於生活品質、工作滿意的評估。「負荷─控制─支持」壓力模型能夠協助了解關懷訪視員的工作壓力與職業倦怠、生活品質及工作滿意間的關係。最後,提出具體建議,以期能夠降低關懷訪視員之工作壓力、職業倦怠感並提升其生活品質及工作滿意度。


Suicide case managers are the first line of suicide prevention work. Since people paid attention to job stress and mental health, there are many related research reports, but lack of researches, which related the job stress and mental health of suicide case managers. This study aimed at investigating the impact of job stress on burnout, quality of life and job satisfaction at suicide case managers in Taiwan. We adopted the Demand-Control-Support (DCS) model to investigate the relations between job stress and burnout, quality of life and job satisfaction. This study used cross-sectional survey and collected self-report questionnaires study data. The questionnaire contains basic personal information, Chinese version of the Job Content Questionnaire, Maslach Burnout Inventory, WHO Questionnaire on Quality of Life BREF-Taiwan version, and Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire.The subjects were suicide case managers, 189 questionnaires were issued totally, and retrieved 161 effective questionnaires. The analysis software is SPSS 17.0 package. When suicide case managers job demand increases, the degree of emotional exhaustion and burnout feelings might raise, but job satisfaction is relatively lower. When job control increases, emotional exhaustion, personal accomplishment and burnout will decrease, yet job satisfaction and physical health will rise. When social support increases, emotional exhaustion and burnout will decline; however, job satisfaction is higher. Job stress is different because of gender, educational background and religious belief. Burnout is different because of educational background. Job satisfaction is different because of gender, age and educational background. Significant differences were discovered between gender and quality of lift. The results showed that demographic variable of suicide case managers will affect their evaluation of job stress, burnout, quality of life, and job satisfaction. Demand-Control-Support (DCS) model can assist in understanding the relations between job stress, burnout, quality of life and the job satisfaction at suicide case managers. Finally, presenting specific recommendations in order to reduce suicide case managers’ job stress, burnout and improve their quality of life and job satisfaction.




