  • 學位論文


Constructing a Native Scale for Community Capacity

指導教授 : 黃源協


以社區為基礎(community-based)的公共服務,已成為當前許多國家發展上的重 要政策,台灣也不例外。台灣的社區發展自日據時代即已受到關注,歷經近半世紀的 發展,台灣基層社區已隨著其所處之內、外環境的變化,而呈現出不同的樣貌。然在 長久的發展之後,我們對於台灣的社區是否已具足夠的社區能力仍感到質疑。儘管國 外已有「社區能力」的相關量表,然其意涵與範疇常因時空環境脈絡而不一致,難以 直接移植供國內使用,加上國內目前仍缺乏依本土社區特性而建立的量表,基於「社 區能力」這個領域的重要性與標準化測量工具之欠缺,為使社區工作有效的推行,本 研究之研究目的有三:(1)建構本土化社區能力量表之要素與內涵;(2)對研究所建構 之社區能力量表,以專家群意見彙整方式進行量表意見之蒐集,以完成一符合學理及 本土特質之「社區能力」量表;(3)驗證本研究所建構的社區能力量表之信度與效度, 以成為未來研究之基礎。 「社區」乙詞具有多重的定義與範疇,為使研究順利進行,本研究所指涉之「社 區」,乃指依社區發展工作綱要為法源依據所設立之「社區發展協會」。此外,本研究 對於社區的切入點,不採傳統以需求為導向的角度看待社區,而是採納Kretzmann and McKnigh 的觀點,強調社區本身即已擁有資源、能力與技術,重視社區的優勢及資產, 不再聚焦於社區的不足與問題。再者,本研究假設良好的社區能力將能達到社區的整 體發展進而提高社區生活品質,使社區能永續發展。 依研究目的,本研究分四階段進行,(1)第一階段透過文獻檢閱、質性深度訪談 及專家建議等方式,建立社區能力量表之題庫。(2)第二階段則透過三次德菲法的進 行,並召開專家效度會議以建構預試量表。(3)第三階段以台灣本島之6,220個社區發 展協會為母群體,以PPS為抽樣方法,抽取600個社區進行預試,以測量量表之信效度, 再依所得結果修正量表,進而形成正式量表。(4)第四階段依前述母群體及抽樣方法 抽取相同數量之社區進行正式施測。本研究預試及正式施測之有效回收問卷分別為 339份及301份。 本研究在信度考驗方面,採用描述統計評估法(含平均數的評估法、變異數的評 估)、題目總分相關法、內部一致性效標法、因素分析法,及去除該題目後α係數有 所提高等方式進行刪題。至於效度考驗則採內容效度與建構效度方式驗證本研究所建 構之量表效度。 本研究所得之最終量表共92 個題項,研究發現社區能力可分為「靜態社區能力」 及「動態社區能力」二個分量表;靜態社區能力下又可分為「社會資本」、「人力資本」、 「財物資本」、「環境卅生態資本」及「文化資本」等五個次量表,計52 個題項。至 於動態社區能力則包含「社區參與」、「網絡連結」、「領導者卅權的發展」、「組織的發 展與操作」等四個次量表計40 個題項,各分量表及總量表之信效度均符合標準。 本研究建構量表之過程相當嚴謹,亦謹守量表編製過程的要求與步驟,故所得之 量表具有四項特色,亦即(1)量表的建構過程符合學理;(2)量表的組成完整而豐富; (3)量表所建構面向與學理相符;(4)量表具有良好的信、效度。 針對研究所得之結果,本研究比較現有文獻後,提出下列相關議題進行討論,包 括:(1)本研究所建構之社區能力,與文獻所建構者有何異同?(2)「本土化」的社區 能力,其「本土」的特質為何?(3)本研究所得之社區能力指標與「永續社區」指標 異同之處?(4)具備本研究所建構之社區能力內涵之社區,是否真能永續發展? 最後,依研究所得之結果,本研究從二方面提出建議。(1)對本量表使用的建議, 本研究提出對於問卷填答者及量表各面向的使用建議。(2)對未來研究之建議,本研 究提出持續探究各次量表間的解釋力、再次驗證本土化社區能力量表的信度與效度, 以及簡化量表等三個建議。 本研究的目的乃在於建構一本土化社區能力之量表,希冀該量表未來能實際提供 測量社區能力使用,目前礙於研究者自身的能力、時間,量表仍有許多待努力的方向, 希冀未來的研究者能以此為基礎,依著上述建議或個人興趣,予以精研及努力,使本 量表能在實務上獲得應用。


Community-based public services are employed by many countries as an important policy approach of social development, and it is also true in Taiwan. Communities of Taiwan have played roles in the society since the Japanese colony period. The communities' capacity have grown greatly in the recent decades of community development and/or building movements. However, there is little agreement on the exact level of community capacity of communities in Taiwan in part due to lacking measures of community capacity that fit the context of Taiwan. Therefore, this study aims to enhance community practice by developing a scale of community capacity. The purposes is to constructing the measurement that demonstrates (1) components and contents of community development in Taiwan, (2) coherence in terms of the theories and practice, and (3) reliability and validity of measurement.   In this study, the term of community refers to a community development association that is founded according to Regulations on the Work of Community Development. Instead of focusing on needs and deficits of a community, the study emphasizes the assets and strengths a community owns; that is, the resources, ability, and skills of a community. It is assumed that good community capacity can enhance the overall development of a community, improve life quality in the community, and lead to sustainability.   This study conducted in the following steps to development the scale of community capacity. First, a bank of the measuring items was collected through literature review, in-depth interviews with community leaders, and consultation with experts. Second, a draft of the scale was revised three times by using Delphi panel and a meeting of experts in order to strengthen the validity. Third, the pretest was conducted with a sample of 600 communities that was selected from a population of 6,220 communities with probability proportional to size (PPS) method. The items of the scale were finalized according to the reliability and validity of the pretest results. Forth, the final scale was applied to another 600 communities which was selected with PPS from the remaining population.   In order establish reliability of the scale, this study adopted Descriptive Statistics (including the Mean and the Variance ), criterion of internal consistency , and factor analysis. A number of items were removed to increase the reliability α coefficient. Validity of the scale was examined according to content validity and construct validity.   The scale developed by this study has 92 items. Two dimensions of community capacity are measured, static and active. The five subscales of static community capacity are social capital, human capital, financial capital, environment/ecology capital, and cultural capital. The dimension of active community capacity has four subscales including community participation, network connection, leadership development, and organization development. The reliability and validity of the subscales and the total scale are good.   The established scale is featured with (1) rigid development procedures, (2) comprehensive measurement of community capacity, (3) solid theoretical constructs, and (4) good reliability and validity.   In response to the literature, this study discusses a few issues with the analysis results. (1) What are the commonality and differences between this scale and the existing ones? (2) What is the characteristics of local community capacity in Taiwan, in comparison to community in other counties? (3) What is the commonality and differences between this scale and the indicators of community sustainability? (4) Whether a community owning the community capacity measured by this scale would keep on their development?   This study developed a scale of community capacity that meet the local context of Taiwan in a hope to be applied to community practice and add insights on the research. Limitations and suggestions for using this scale were noted. Future research may further examine the explanation power of the subscales, test the measurement validity and reliability, and simplify the scale by applying different sample of Taiwan.


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Devellis , R. F.著,魏勇剛、龍長權、宋武譯〈2010〉。《量表編製 : 理論與應用》。台北:五南。
John Egan著,李永展譯(2005)。《建構永續社區的技能》。台北:五南。


徐慧倫(2011)。前路漫漫:台灣報業的數位革命與發展 以《聯合報》、《中國時報》、《蘋果日報》、《自由時報》為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2011.02397
