  • 學位論文


The Study of Religion-Based Non-Profit Organization Promoting Community Education: A Case Study of Yi Jing University

指導教授 : 江大樹


近二十餘年來,非營利組織在台灣蓬勃發展,甚至蔚為一股潮流,這是全球化的趨勢,也是社會環境多元化所必然的,其中宗教型非營利組織更顯特殊。隨著環境事務的改變與挑戰,非營利組織的服務愈趨向「專業化」和組織管理運作模式更趨向「企業化」,其中志工的服務及教育訓練就更是重要的一個環節。然而,強調以宗教信仰為軸心,吸引眾多信徒聚集的宗教型非營利組織,在實際志業的運作上,如同其他非營利組織一樣,皆須仰賴廣泛的志工社群。但要如何培育志工,使其貫徹組織宗旨,無疑是重要的課題。 值此,本研究將選以「易經大學」為例,採取文獻分析、參與觀察及深度訪談等研究方法,一方面解析它為何欲推廣易經社區教學之理由,同時也運用「志工教育訓練」的觀點,探討易經大學在實踐易經社區教育過程中,如何招募、培訓與運用這些志工,使其有效推廣易經、風水社區教學。研究顯示,易經大學之所推動易經社區教育,主要是混元禪師的個人理念為主。混元禪師希望藉由易經大學的創設可以廣泛推廣中華文化固有的道統,促進社會的和諧。至於在志工的教育訓練與運用上,雖然組織採嚴格的模式培訓志工,使其瞭解組織價值及認清自我,進而達成有效責任分工,但是在運作上仍面臨著多重目標問題,進而影響社區教學的成效,這點為還亦值得修正。


With over twenty years, non-profit organizations flourish in Taiwan, but even as a trend, this is the trend of globalization, diversity is inherent in the social environment, in which the religious-based non-profit organization is more special. With the changes of environmental affairs, non-profit service organization more towards "professional" and the organization and management mode of operation has become more entrepreneurial", in which volunteer services and education and training is even more important aspect . However, the emphasis on religion as the axis, attracting many followers of the religious- based non-profit organization, in the actual operation of the Chi, like other non-profit organizations, all rely on a wide range of volunteer groups. But how to educate volunteers, to implement the objectives of the Organization, is undoubtedly an important issue. On the occasion, this study selected the " Yi Jing University", for example, to documentary analysis, participant observation and depth interview research methods, on the one hand want to promote the Book of Changes resolve why it grounds teaching community, but also the use of a "volunteer education training "point of view, of the University of the Book of Changes Book of Changes in practice the process of community education, how to recruit, train and use these volunteers to make it effective promotion of the Yi Jing, Feng Shui community education. Studies have shown that the Book of Changes Book of Changes promoted by the University community education, mainly Hun Yuan mainly Zen Master's personal philosophy. Master Hun Yuan Ching University of hope created by widely promoting orthodoxy inherent in Chinese culture, and promote social harmony. As for education, training and use of volunteers, the organization adopted a strict pattern although training volunteers to understand and recognize the value of self-organization, thus reaching an effective division of responsibilities, however, the problems still facing multiple targets, thereby affecting effectiveness of the teaching community, this point also is worthy of correction.


