  • 學位論文


A Preliminary Study of Taiwan MOE’s 2008 List of Common English Words for Elementary and Junior High School Students

指導教授 : 賴秋月


台灣教育部於民國97年頒布國民中小學2000常用英文詞彙表(簡稱《詞彙表》),本論文利用相關的學術研究及《詞彙表》後所附的資料來初步探討、分析及落實《詞彙表》能加以改進之處。 《詞彙表》的一個重大缺失是其中的字詞沒有標註詞性或詞義。英文裡單詞性、單詞義的字詞極少,大多數的英文字詞係多詞性、多詞義,例如answer、park、watch等,它們既是動詞又是名詞,而且不論是動詞或名詞,它們都有數個詞義,國中小學生到底是學習其中一個詞性即可抑或兩個詞性都應該學習?到底是學習其中一個詞義即可抑或數個詞義都應該學習?這些問題《詞彙表》本身並沒有提供答案。《詞彙表》中的字詞沒有標註詞性或詞義,這樣的作法無法真正達成教育部當初發布《詞彙表》的用意:「為了顧及教材的銜接及避免使用艱深的詞彙,國中小英語教材編寫所用的字彙宜加以界定,以免各版本的教材所使用的字彙差異過大」。 在頒布《詞彙表》的同時,教育部也在《詞彙表》後面另附一表(B表),依照「主題」和「詞性」兩大類別臚列《詞彙表》中的字詞。本論文的一大重點是利用《詞彙表》及B表建置出一個資料庫,再嘗試利用這個資料庫來釐清《詞彙表》中個別字詞的詞性和詞義,並檢驗B表內的種種問題。 眾所皆知,詞彙的學習是一個長期累積的過程,這個見解一般人都把重點放在詞彙的數量上(詞彙知識的廣度),很少人把重點放在個別詞彙的詞義學習上(詞彙知識的深度)。其實,由於大部分的字詞是多詞性、多詞義的,對於這樣的字詞,其學習必定是漸進、累積的長期過程。本論文的另一個重點是參考鄭恆雄等主編的《高中英文參考詞彙表》及其編輯方法和原則、The English Vocabulary Profile將英文詞彙依據詞義分成A1、A2、B1、B2、C1、C2六個等級的作法和理念(其中A1、A2的使用者約莫等於我們的國中小學生)、以及Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary對常見詞彙以及常見詞彙的常見詞義的明確標示,我們利用這些有關英文詞彙的處理原則和理念,對《詞彙表》提出初步的改進建議。 關鍵字:「國民中小學常用英文詞彙表」、詞性、詞義、The English Vocabulary Profile, Oxford Advanced Leaner’s Dictionary,《高中英文參考詞彙表》


In 2008, the Ministry of Education of Taiwan released a list of 2000 common English words for elementary and junior high school students (abbreviated as the Wordlist). Words in the Wordlist are listed alphabetically from A to Z. For example, “answer” is listed under A, “park” under P, “watch” under W, and so on. The Wordlist, as it is in the way it was released, leaves much room for improvement. More specifically, it overlooks the true nature of English words: Many English words have more than one part of speech, and most English words have more than one meaning. For example, “answer,” “park,” and “watch” can all be verbs and nouns, and all of them are polysemous, according to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. As words in the Wordlist are not specified for their parts of speech, let alone their meanings, users of the Wordlist are often left with bewilderment as for which part of speech or which meaning of a given word they should focus on. Users of the Wordlist should not be forced to contend with the decision; the decision should rest on the Ministry of Education of Taiwan. This thesis provides a critical review of the Wordlist and serves as a preliminary attempt to improve the Wordlist to make it more user-friendly. It will suggest ways of improving the Wordlist, with regard to parts of speech and meanings of the words in the Wordlist, by referring to “The English Vocabulary Profile,” Oxford Advanced Leaner’s Dictionary, and “Senior High English Wordlist for Reference”, which was compiled by Zheng et al. in 2002, so that words in the Wordlist will be tailored for the targeted learners of English. Keywords: “A List of Common English Words for Elementary and Junior High School Students”, part of speech, meaning, “The English Vocabulary Profile,” Oxford Advanced Leaner’s Dictionary, “Senior High English Wordlist for Reference”


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