  • 學位論文


The Meaning of Cultural Landscape in Mlepa Tribe and its Impact of Building Process on the Tribal Residents

指導教授 : 徐敏雄


論文以南投縣仁愛鄉馬烈霸部落為研究對象,其目的在探討以文化地景的營造來檢視對部落居民所產生的影響性。研究結果發現分述如下: 一、文化地景的重建,促使居民反思人與環境的關係:關注到部落環境的改造、路口意象的綠美化與整修、希望古道的開闢、圓環及指標的修護以及文化故事牆的彩繪,藉由這些文化地景的重建,部落居民開始關心自己的生活環境。 二、文化地景的意涵,須由在地居民自己說故事:文化地景意涵的建構,依據個人的觀點與想法以及其與在地歷史故事所串連的意象而產生意義,因此站在自己的角度詮釋,很容易讓人理解文化地景所要傳達的意涵。 三、藝術文化地景的建立,環境改變為亮麗而繽紛:把過去曾經已建立的文化地景重新予以修護及破舊的、髒亂的物件轉換為重要的文化景觀,這樣的轉換,藝術地景被視為一項媒介,不僅改善生活環境,同時也改變了人的觀感。在視覺上,農村不僅增加了色彩的刺激,一方面美感增加了,另一方面人們更喜愛自己的地方。 四、文化地景營造,因為參與,產生認同感:因為關注部落發展與環境改造而產生認同感,而這些認同感來自於實際參與的結果、自我成就感、實踐的信仰、增進人際關係、保存泰雅文史資料以及生根原鄉的終極目標。因此,透過文化地景的重建,引發了參與者對部落的認同感。 五、文化地景營造過程所遇挑戰:推動營造過程所遇到的困難,首先就是部落居民只關心自己的利益、自掃門前雪,無法為部落集體付出行動;第二則是對自己所居住的地方沒有感覺、看不見部落的美,因此與部落環境容易產生脫節;第三在執行社區營造工作時,沒有按照時間即離開工作崗位;第四本來必須是互相協力完成的事情,但是有的人各自忙碌,造成彼此間的誤解與嫌隙。 整體而言,文化地景的重建,促成活化歷史文化記憶;透過藝術融入社區與色彩的刺激,轉變為亮麗而吸睛的農村;部落居民實際參與的結果,整體上為部落展開美學反思的經驗。本論文依據研究結果,針對文化地景的意涵、營造對部落居民的影響以及後續馬烈霸部落未來實踐的願景,於論文末提出建議。


This thesis examines Mlepa tribe in Ren-Ai township, Nantou county so to scrutinise the influence of cultural landscape building upon tribal residents. The reconstruction of cultural landscape allows the stimulus of colors and art into the community. In this way, the tribe has become visually brighter and more beautiful. Through tribal residents’ participation, it is possible to observe the artistic endeavour to experiment art in their local landscape. The conclusion of this thesis consists of five parts. First, the reconstruction of cultural landscape enables residents to rethink the interrelation between human being and the environment. Second, the cultural landscape building can only be meaningful through the narratives which come from the local residents themselves. Third, artistic and cultural landscape is a medium that transforms the everyday environment, which in turns it helps local residents to appreciate their own living area. Fourth, cultural landscape fosters participants’ tribal recognition through collective initiatives. Fifth, cultural landscape and create challenges encountered:starting with the tribes living people only care about their own interests; the second is that they live in tribe did not feel, can not see the beauty of the tribe; third in execution when the community to create a work that is not in accordance with the time to leave work; the fourth had to be mutually work together to accomplish things, but some people their busy, causing misunderstanding between them.


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