  • 學位論文


The governance model of local industry development -A case study of Newland Community Education Center

指導教授 : 江大樹


面對全球經濟重新組構的衝擊,臺灣正面臨著嚴重的產業外移,致使內部產業結構、勞力資本面臨考驗。面臨這樣一波結構性的產業發展課題,要如何為傳統社區產業構思一條復興之道,其實政府於2003年即有思考,文建會為推動地方社區產業的振興,遂從2003年政府開始著手推動地方產業交流中心計畫,希望學習日本地場產業發展模式的成功經驗,藉由地方產業交流中心的運作,以活化地方發展,並帶動地方產業、文化整體成長。可惜該項利益良善的政策,嗣後因過度重商主義且計畫時程短暫,不僅無法有效學習日本經驗,還造成公共設施閒置的一種浪費公帑的問題,總之成效不彰。 鑑於地方社區產業發展的必要性,筆者將援引由民間組織設立的新故鄉見學園區之經驗,從地場產業的概念,作為研究對象,針對政府所推動的地方產業交流中心與新故鄉見學園區,進行設置宗旨、目的與相關的操作機制的比較,希望藉由兩者彼此之間的比較分析,提供帶動地場產業的可行發展模式與策略建議,以期讓臺灣的地場產業,可以透過若干創新治理策略,以求真正的持續性發展。 根據本文研究發現,過去幾年政府推動地方產業交流中心不如預期而失敗的主要原因,是因為不論是委託者或是被委託者,大多沒有詳細針對地方特色需求進行評估,並與在地人士溝通商量、規劃評估的在地發展計畫。其次,從該項政策的規劃到執行過程中,中央與地方政府之間,彼此的角色與權力界定劃分不明確,以致於經費配置思慮不夠周延,導致政策計畫失敗。反觀由民間團體所設置的新故鄉見學園區,業已營運超過一年時間,園區設置規劃到執行與經營,雖在籌設之初,並沒有通盤性的規劃構想,但嗣後都有從地方產業的聚集角度,完整充分的規劃整體園區經營,雖然目前仍屬於營運初期,但是整體園區如何與周邊社區、其他在地特色產業進行結盟,都已陸續嘗試經營運作,這樣的用心與努力,將較於過去重商主義的地方產業交流中心而言,實有其價值。 總體而言,地方產業交流中心與新故鄉見學園區兩者,本研究從社區營造與地場產業兩面向進行比較發現,在建構地場產業的過程中,如何有效導入社區營造基礎與社群經濟的觀點,並且長期性結合地方社區的在地特色,發展適合在地的地方社區產業模式,將是可行持續發展地場產業模式的重要治理策略。這樣的觀點,值得供政府、社區與非營利組織作參考。


Facing the impact of the rearrangement of the global economic, Taiwan is confront by the serious offshore migration of business activities. It results in the interior industrial structure and human resources encountering challenges. How to come up with a way to revival for conventional community industry? When encountered by a series of structural industry development issue? In fact, the government had had an idea in 2003. Council for Cultural Affairs had begun to promote the plans of Regional Manufacture Communication Center, in order to encourage the revival of regional community industry, hoping to learn from Japan’s successful experience of local industry development mode. In the successful mode, government makes good use of the operation of Regional Manufacture Communication Center, which refreshes the regional development and drives the entire growth of regional industry and civilization. However, it’s a pity that such a beneficial policy didn’t come into play due to many reasons, such as mercantilism that descendants stood for and the short period for planning carefully. Therefore, the government not only failed to acquire Japan’s experience, but also left a lot of public facilities unused, which led to the problem of funds wasting at the same time. In summary, the policy didn’t work well. In terms of the indispensability of regional industry development, I will quote the experience from a non-profit Organization, Newland Community Education Center. In my studies, the object of study is the concept of local industry, focusing on comparing the Regional Manufacture Communication Center with Newland Community Education Center by the comparison between their creeds, goals, and related implements. With the help of the comparison analysis between the two, it can provide with possible mode and strategy suggestion promoting local industry. By this way, the local industry in Taiwan could reach a real goal of sustainable development through a few innovative management tactics. According to the study, the fatal reasons causing the failure of Regional Manufacture Communication Center promoted by the government in past years is that the region isn’t completely acquainted by those included in the project. Also, in the process from the planning to the implement, the power between the central and local government is not divided clearly. As a result, the lack of prudent consideration of funds allocation results in the failure. Nevertheless, take a look at Newland Community Education Center. Although the management and arrangement in the institution have been operated for only one year or so, and doesn’t conceive perfect planning ideas at the beginning, the descendants later have been trying to cooperate with neighbor community and regional feature industry to offer various aspects to be visited in the park of the institution. Such patience and endeavor are precious indeed in comparison with Regional Manufacture Communication Center’s mercantilism. Over all, according to the study’s comparison between the two institution’s community empowerment and local industry , how to make advantage of the basis of community empowerment and the viewpoint of community business, and combine with the local features in regional community for a long time to develop an appropriate regional industry mode in local.


王修曉譯(2007)。《研究方法概論》(Janet M. Ruane原著)。台北:五南。


