  • 學位論文


A Study of University Student Affairs Administrators’ Professional Leadership Competency and Their Development

指導教授 : 張雪梅 博士


本研究旨在探討我國大學校院學務主管專業領導力與其發展方式,探究其領導行為取向、學務領導人特質、學務專業領導力之情況、影響因素及其對學務專業領導力發展方式之看法;探討學務主管之個人背景、學校背景與前述變項間的關聯性,用以研擬未來規劃學務專業領導力發展之方向。 本研究主要之目的如下: 一、瞭解我國大學學務主管之領導行為取向、學務領導人特質、學務專業領導力情 形。 二、探討我國大學學務主管專業領導力的相關影響因素。 三、瞭解不同背景變項、領導行為取向、學務領導人特質、學務專業領導力之學務主管對專業領導力發展方式重要性之看法。 四、探討有效提昇大學學務主管專業領導力之發展方式或措施。 本研究採調查法及半結構深度訪談法探討。以研究者編製的「大學學生事務主管專業領導力發展調查問卷」進行調查研究。問卷內容包括:專業領導力發展方式、學務專業領導力、學務領導人特質、領導行為取向、基本資料等五個部分。以描述統計、 t檢定、單因子變異數分析、相關分析、逐步多元迴歸等統計方法進行資料處理分析。另透過深度訪談瞭解領導力發展有關問題。最後依研究發現,提出大學學務主管專業領導力發展之建議,供作學校行政當局人力資源開發,研擬未來規劃學務專業領導力發展之參考。 研究結論如下: 一、大學學務主管四面向之領導行為取向多傾向「時常如此」,而其中在「人力資源層面」的表現最佳。就學務領導人特質言,在五點量表上之平均數為4.29分,介於「時常如此」~「總是如此」。就學務專業領導力言,多傾向「時常如此」,而其中在「資源調配運作」的表現最佳。 二、領導行為取向因個人背景因素有顯著差異,不因學校背景因素而有所差異。 三、學務領導人特質僅因學務行政工作年資、現職層級等因素有顯著差異,不因學校背景因素而有所差異。 四、學務專業領導力因性別、學務行政工作年資、遴用類別、現職層級等因素有顯著差異,不因學校背景因素而有差異。 五、學務主管對各類領導力發展方式重要性的看法頗為一致。 六、學務專業領導力與領導行為取向、學務領導人特質有顯著關聨。 七、學務主管自認為具有相當高度之學務專業領導力。 八、領導行為取向(結構層面、政治層面、象徵層面)、學務領導人特質對學務專業領導力具有解釋力。 九、學務專業領導力發展方式之重要性雖有不同,但各類學務專業領導力發展方式皆有其價值。


This study is designed to explore the professional leadership competency and development of student affairs administrators of our universities. Specifically, it examines the behavioral approaches to leadership, leadership personality traits, the state of their professional leadership competencies, contributing factors to their formation, and lastly their own personal views on leadership competency development. The correlation between the administrators’ personal and academic background and the above-mentioned variables was also examined in order to design a development blueprint for administrator competencies. The goals of this research are as follows: 1)Understanding student affairs administrators’ behavioral approaches towards leadership, their leadership personality traits, and professional leadership competencies; 2)Exploring contributing factors to administrators’ professional leadership competencies; 3)Learning the effects of variable backgrounds, leadership behavioral approaches and professional leadership competencies on the importance administrators attach to ways of developing professional leadership competencies; 4)Finding approaches to effectively improve the development of these leadership competencies. In order to examine these leadership skills, this study incorporates surveys and semi-structured in-depth interviews. Between Nov. 2011 and May 2012, 675 questionnaires were sent out to university administrators throughout Taiwan, from deans of universities to lower-level leaders. 507 questionnaires were returned. These questionnaires covered five key areas: methods of developing professional leadership competencies, professional student affairs leadership competencies, leadership personality traits of student affairs administrators, leadership behavioral approaches, and basic demographic and personal data. Data collected were processed and analyzed using standard descriptive statistic methods, including T-tests, one-way analysis of variance, correlation analysis and stepwise multiple regression. In addition, six in-depth interviews were conducted among active and former administrators in order to better understand related issues. Finally, based on the findings, suggestions are made to school administrative authorities as a reference for their development and planning of human resources and professional leadership skills. The findings are as follows: 1)Most respondents answered positively overall (“usually-so” on a 5-point Likert scale) for the four aspects of leadership behavior, with the best performance in the human resources frame. As far as leadership personality traits are concerned, the average score on the five-point Likert scale is 4.29 points, ranging between “usually so” and “always so.” As for professional leadership competencies, most tend to be “usually so,” with the best performance in the sub categories of resource mobilization and distribution operations; 2)Personal background makes a conspicuous difference in leadership behavioral approaches while school background makes no difference; 3)Factors such as the seniority and ranking of student affairs administrators have a significant impact on leadership personality traits while school background makes no difference; 4)Gender, seniority, job categories assigned and ranking make a conspicuous difference in professional leadership competencies while school background makes no difference; 5)Student affairs administrators share nearly identical views regarding the importance of ways of developing professional leadership competencies; 6)There are significant correlations among student affairs professional leadership competencies, leadership behavioral approaches and leadership personality trait; 7)Student affairs administrators highly regard their own professional leadership competencies; 8)Professional student affairs leadership competencies can be interpreted by leadership behavioral approaches (in structural, political and symbolic frames) and leadership personality traits; 9)Various ways of developing professional leadership competencies examined may differ in importance, but they are all valuable in one way or another.




周雪惠 (2015). 大專校院學校行政人員工作壓力與工作績 效相關之研究 [master's thesis, Feng Chia University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6341/fcu.M0227755
