  • 學位論文


A Study on Public Relations Strategy of the Sport Event--A Case of 2002 China Motor International Gymnastics Cup

指導教授 : 施致平


由於傳播科技日新月異,通訊管道多元化,人們獲取資訊的速度與日俱增,如何令訊息有效且適當的傳遞給大眾,便成為體育從業人員必須正視的問題。尤以目前非營利體育運動組織之財源在經濟不景氣下已明顯不足,唯有透過公關才得以達成符合經濟效益與廣泛曝光的效果,公關已成為非營利體育團體生存與發展之要件。中華汽車盃至今已累積十一屆的舉辦經驗,在公關運用上已有一套成熟的策略模式,相當具有代表性。有鑑於此,本研究擬透過「2002年中華汽車盃國際體操邀請賽」之公關策略研究,探討運動賽會如何規劃與應用公關策略,希冀提供未來運動賽會公關規劃之實用資訊。依據研究目的,本研究以本盃賽公關規劃執行人員、現場觀眾、相關文件與媒體報導為研究對象,採用深度訪談法、問卷調查法以及文件分析等研究方法,分析與評估本盃賽之公關策略規劃、執行與效益,主要發現如下: 一、中華汽車盃國際體操邀請賽公關策略部分: (一)公關目的與對象分析 公關目的包括教育宣導、推廣組織理念、打響知名度、建立組織形象及與其他社會資源建立關係,多以對外公關為主,參照本盃賽之公關規劃者對公關對象的重視程度,並依Nolte(1979)公關對象區分原則,本盃賽目標對象可分為:首要對象、次要對象與特殊對象三類。首要對象以社會大眾為主;次要對象為媒體;特殊對象包括政府部門、服務對象與經銷商。 (二)公關運作與策略 公關步驟仍不脫Cutlip與Center(1985)所提之四大步驟:(一)界定公關問題、(二)擬定計劃並決定策略、(三)付諸行動展開溝通、(四)評估計劃成效,形成一個連續、動態循環過程。執行策略依據策略形式分類分析,採用媒體整合搭配與加強型的策略。 (三)公關訊息策略 本盃賽之訊息傳播管道包括媒體、學校與訓練單位、活動、人際傳播與掛名企業本身;訊息類型包括文字訊息、視覺訊息與口語訊息三大類;媒體策略工具則需透過與記者建立良好的互動關係、了解各媒體運作方式與需求才得以達到預期之公關效益。訊息設計主要採以下四種方法:知名人士代言、標語圖像、創造新聞價值、與媒體合作。 二、公關理論檢驗: 由系統論觀點分析,本盃賽深受環境系絡之影響,公關策略亦隨著時空之轉變調整修正,因此,符合公共關係在整合系統理論者的觀點,將公關歸類於「適應子系統」的部分;參酌Gruing和Hunt(1984)所提出公關四模式觀點,本盃賽公關運作模式偏向於公共報導與雙向不對等兩種模式。 三、中華汽車盃國際體操邀請賽公關執行效益: (一)媒體廣告效益分析結果顯示,惟有透過有效公關策略之執行與規劃,才得以有效提昇公關效益。 (二)現場觀眾公關認知效益分析結果顯示,本盃賽之公關策略實仍有檢討與改進之空間,茲分述於下: 1.分析現場觀眾人口結構分析結果顯示有其集中偏向。 2.現場觀眾認為,人際傳播較大眾傳播有效。大眾傳播管道中,又以電視與報紙為最有效。 3.現場觀眾對於公關之知曉與理解程度偏向非正面評價。 4.現場觀眾對於公關運作認知與本盃賽之公關策略分析結果對照有差異存在,主要原因在於,本盃賽之規劃雖未直接針對目標對象進行研究與調查,然卻根基於過去經驗與環境變遷,隨時調整公關策略,以呼應民眾需求。 (三)大多數現場觀眾認為宣傳效益為尚可與不佳。而在各影響變項中,以月收入、平時關心新聞程度與過去參與經驗與公關整體評價達顯著差異(p<.05),可見該些變項與公關整體評價確有其關聯存在。 綜合上述結果可知,本盃賽之成功經驗值得其他運動賽會建構公關策略之參考,但在執行面上,建議未來運動賽會仍必須了解目標群眾特性,兼顧民眾需求與效益評估,才得以充分發揮公關策略執行之效益。 關鍵字:運動賽會、公關、公關策略、中華汽車盃國際體操邀請賽


A Study on Public Relations Strategy of the Sport Event-- A Case of 2002 China Motor International Gymnastics Cup Abstract Due to the changes in modern communication technology, a great diversity of channels and the amazing speed people gaining information today, how to deliver informations efficiently and appropriately has become the most important subject in the sport business. Since non-profit sport organizations cannot rely on the Government, the major financial resource, public relations (PR) is the only way to achieve both economic and advertising needs nowadays. Also, PR has become the key element for non-profit sport organizations to survive and to develop. Inspecting the lacking of thesis studies for the connection between PR and sport environment, the purposes of this study aimed at establishing the framework of PR and understanding the effectiveness of the PR on the 2002 China Motor International Gymnastics Cup, then providing realistic contributions. The major findings were as follows: 1.In aspect of the PR strategies of the 2002 China Motor International Gymnastics Cup: (1) the PR goals and target group analysis The goals were educating and promoting the idea of the organization, enhancing awareness, establishing the image of organization, and developing relationship with other social resources. Based on PR staff’s emphasis level on subjects, and on Nolte’s (1979) principle, there were three kinds of subjects: primary targets, secondary targets and special targets. In this case, the primary PR target was the public, the secondary target was the media, and the special targets were the government, consumers, and sponsors. (2) the PR steps PR planning was based on Cutlip & Center’s (1985) PR steps: define PR problems, plan & program, act & communicate, and evaluate the program. The executive strategy, according to the PR implement, was the use of integrating media and enhancing tactics. (3) the PR message strategy There was a diversity of media to deliver messages in this event, such as mass media, schools and training units, activities, communication, and sponsors. The types of the messages were verbal, visual, and oral messages. To achieve the goal of PR strategies, it must rely on establishing the interaction with reporters and understanding the media works and its needs. There were four methods to design the messages:(i)endorsement of celebrities,(ii)CIS application, (iii)news value creation, and(iv)cooperation with mass media. 2.Analyzed by the systematic theory, this sport event was deeply influenced by the environment. The PR strategies were also changed by time and space. According to Gruing & Hunt’s (1984) point of view, the patterns of the PR implement of this event were Public Information and Two-Way Asymmetric. 3.The effectiveness of the PR strategies of the 2002 China Motor International Gymnastics Cup: (1) Planning and implementing PR strategies effectively were the only way to enhance PR effectiveness. (2) According to the results of this study, there was something needed to be improved: a. The demographic structure of the audience was centralized. b. Interpersonal communication was the most effective communication channel. TV and newspaper were the most effective mass media channels. c. Most audiences had negative opinions and comprehension about the PR strategy. d. The main reason that caused the differences between audience’s knowledge of PR and PR strategy implemented in this event was that although there was no specific objects studied or surveyed for planning the event, it did adjust the PR strategy based on the past experiences and environmental changed to meet the audience needs. (3)Most on-site audience thought that the effectiveness of propagation was acceptable and not good enough. There were significant differences(p<.05) in different income per month, ordinarily concerns about news, past participant experiences, and integrated PR evaluation, which mean there was a correlation between these variances and integrated PR evaluation. According to this study, the PR strategy of the 2002 China Motor International Gymnastics Cup was quite successful. In the future, however, if the PR staffs of the non-profit sport organizations can find out the needs and characters of the audience before implementing their PR strategy, the PR strategy will become more and more effective and efficient. Key word:sport event、public relations(PR)、PR strategy、2002 China Motor International Gymnastics Cup


