  • 學位論文


Study of the relationships betwteen spiritual health and stress of clinical practice, depressive tendency, self-rated health status in nursing students

指導教授 : 黃松元


安適(wellness)仰賴「我擁有…?我是…?我與…有關係?我可以超越…」,近年來,因為「全人健康」理念推展,使得「靈性」領域逐漸受到各學門的重視。本研究主要目的為探討護生靈性健康狀況,並了解護生靈性健康與臨床實習壓力、憂鬱傾向及自覺健康狀態之關係。研究設計採橫斷式問卷調查法進行資料收集,以北部地區護理學校之護生為研究對象,利用等機率比例分配方式抽出班級後,進行資料之收集與分析。所得資料以SPSS/Window 10.0版進行資料建檔與統計分析,統計分析方法包括:描述性統計、變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、因素分析、回歸分析等。共收集471位研究對象、皆為女性、平均年齡19.37歲、以專科生居多,將重要研究結果整理如下: 1.護生的靈性健康狀態依照自擬之靈性健康量表平均得分為179.64分,顯示研究對象有不錯的靈性健康狀態;靈性健康量表可以包含:「與人締結」、「活出意義」、「超越逆境」、「宗教寄託」與「明己心性」等五個次量表。因此,靈性健康是一種力量也是一種資源,協助個體藉由不斷的超越,實踐屬己的生命意義。 2.護生的人口學變項與情境經驗與靈性健康有關,特別是年齡、制、年級、原住民屬性、宗教虔誠度、父母親的健康狀態、父母的婚姻關係、家庭氣氛、實習次數與實習成績。其中以學制、原住民屬性、宗教虔誠度、父親的健康狀態、家庭氣氛為靈性健康的重要解釋因素。 3.研究對象的實習壓力屬於「中等程度」、35﹪研究對象有程度不等之憂鬱傾向、45.4﹪的研究對象自覺健康狀態屬於「普通」。 4.研究對象靈性健康與實習壓力成負相關,利用回歸分析在控制人口學與情境經驗等變項後,仍具有解釋力。 5.研究對象靈性健康與憂鬱傾向呈負相關,利用回歸分析在控制人口學與情境經驗等變項後,仍具有解釋力。 6.研究對象靈性健康與自覺健康狀態有關,自覺健康狀態不好者其靈性健康狀態低於自覺健康好與普通者。自覺健康狀態好與不好兩組,在控制人口學與情境經驗等變項後,其靈性健康仍有統計之顯著差。


The wellness depends on having, being, relating and transcending. Due to the advocacy of the philosophy of holistic health, the spiritual health has been greatly concerned in many disciplines currently. The purposes of this study were two sections: 1) to explore the health of spirit among the nursing students, and 2) to determine the relationships among spiritual health, clinical practice stress, depressive tendency, and self-rated health status in the population of nursing students. The research design was a cross-sectional survey study by using the structured questionnaires. The sample of this study was nursing students who were enrolled in the nursing schools in northern area of Taiwan. Applying the technique of the probability proportional to size to carry out the study sample. The data were coded and then analyzed by using the Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS for windows. Release 10.0). The method of data analysis consisted of describe statistics (means and standard deviations for the continuous data and frequencies and proportions for the nominal data), One-way ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation, factor analysis and regression analysis. The sample for this study consisted of 471 nursing students with mean aged 19.78 who were females’ college students. The major findings of the study were summarized as following: 1.The result indicated that the spiritual health status in females’ nursing students was good. The total score of the SHS questionnaire in the sample was almost 180. The SHS included 5 subscales: “connecting to others”, “meaning derived from living”, “transcendence ”, “religion attachment” and “introspection for oneself”. The spiritual health may be acted as a power and resource to a person. By means of transcendence, the spiritual health may assist a person to enjoy their meaningful life. 2.The socio-demographic characteristics and situational variables (including age, school attribute, grand, aboriginal, religious affiliation, parents’ health status, parents’ marital status, family atmosphere, times of clinical practice, achievement of clinical practice) were found to be associated with spiritual health. The major explained factors of spiritual health included school attribute, aboriginal, religious affiliation, fathers’ health status and family atmosphere. 3.The stress of clinical practice in the research sample was moderate. About 35% of participants were more likely to have depression. Nearly 45﹪of them rated their self-health status were fair. 4.There were a significantly negative association between spiritual health and the stress of clinical practice while particularly controlling the confounding variables such as socio-demographic variables and situational variables. 5.Spiritual health was significantly negatively correlated to depressive tendency, particularly in controlling the confounding variables such as socio-demographic variables and situational variables. 6.There was a statistical relationship between spiritual health and self-rated health status. Participants who reported lower scores of health status were more likely to reported lower scores in spiritual health. While controlling the confounding variables such as socio-demographical and situational variables, there was a significantly differences in spiritual health between participants with good self-rated health status and those with bad self-rated health status.


Howden, J.W. (1992). Development and psychometric characteristics of the spirituality assessment scale. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Texas woman’s university, Texas.


