  • 學位論文

多目標最佳化模式應用於公路建設方案評選之研究 -以東西向快速公路改善計畫為例

A Multiobjective Optimization Model for Highway Construction Projects Evaluation– A Case of East-West Highway Improvement Program

指導教授 : 衛萬明


公路建設是交通建設之主軸,國家發展之基礎。然隨著公路建設計畫方案相繼提出,政府資源與財力也愈趨有限,無法一次滿足所有公路建設方案之需求。故國內主管公路建設方案規劃之決策人員,往往必須在有限之資源條件下,於許多具有相當潛力條件之公路建設方案中,依計畫的必要性、急迫性與政策性,予以排列出其優先順序,以做出何者可優先給予經費,何者無法優先給予經費之考量及決策。 此外,目前國內公路建設計畫方案之實施,其工程實際之操作多以方案實質上的施工難易度為主要考量來決定其優先順序。然公路建設計畫方案之執行是需要更審慎地考量會影響建設方案之評估因子,以及不同屬性的計畫之間是否存有交互關係,其將不能只注重個別計畫於評估模式中的表現程度,尚需探討計畫間潛在之不確定的先後執行因素,並以此建立評比機制,依總預算分年辦理。 有鑑於此,為使公路建設方案之評選有一客觀且理性之機制可循,本研究提出一多目標最佳化模式,將評估因子分為利益(Benefit)、機會(Opportunity)、成本(Cost)與風險(Risk)四個面向(簡稱BOCR),並結合模糊德爾菲法(Fuzzy Delphi Method, FDM)與分析網路程序法(Analytic Network Process, ANP),同時利用兩階段的數學規劃模式以建構出完整的公路建設方案選擇系統,最後並以「東西向快速公路改善計畫」為實證案例進行分析,其目的在於客觀且合理的分配政府有限之資源,使其達到效用最大化,進而提供政府部門作為決策時的參考依據。


Highway construction projects should be considered as one of the economic development for a nation. However, the government resources and limited financial budgets are not able to meet all demands of the above mentioned resources such as the highway construction costs. When faced with limited resources, highway construction projects managers must determine which projects to fund at what levels from a pool of potential ones. The appropriate appraisal mechanism should be established according to the needs of potential requirements. The highway construction project it shows that the assessments and priority of the difficult level of implementation are very important and should be essentially based on the level of criterion comparisons between them. However, the interdependencies property among different projects should be considered prudently in the highway construction project evaluation process. Thus, not only the performance of a single project in the evaluation model but also the possible uncertainties factor and the priority compared with other projects should be paid attention to. Consequently, the importance of the priority of funding allocation should be considered carefully especially based on yearly. As a result, our study presents a mathematical model of multi-objective optimization, combined with Benefit, Opportunity, Cost, Risk (BOCR) analysis, Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) and Analytic Network Process (ANP). Finally, an empirical study of "East-West Highway Improvement Program" will be illustrated utilized our proposed algorithm.


6.台南縣政府交通觀光局(2005),南縣崛起 南方啟動-台南縣交通建設計畫概述,都市交通季刊,第20卷,第3期,第60-64頁。


