  • 學位論文


A Cost-Benefit Analysis of implementing PMP in Financial Software Projects

指導教授 : 李小梅


由國際專案管理協會(PMI)所推行的國際專案管理師(PMP)認證近年來在資訊領域大受重視,除了名列北美第四大受歡迎的資訊認證,也是認證通過後薪資最高的認證,這股認證的狂潮也同樣席捲台灣,已有許多企業將考取PMP認證視為重要的員工績效指標。本研究所要探討的,是以台灣金融產業的軟體系統專案為出發點,來檢視PMP專案管理制度是否適合台灣的金融產業軟體系統專案的開發。 台灣的金融產業有其特殊的背景與文化,尤其在金控法實施後,各大金控合併連橫的動作不斷,間接讓資訊系統開發的需求大增,也造就企業導入專案管理制度的必要性。資訊單位的高階主管已經意識到舊有的制度無法應付日益複雜的專案開發,必須藉由一套有系統的管理控制流程來讓專案的運行更有組織與效率,PMP的專案管理制度正好提供這樣一套專案管理的標準,讓企業的專案管理變得有跡可尋。 本研究的分析方式以個案研究法為主,選擇在國內佔有舉足輕重地位的某大型金控做為研究個案,研究的主要目的有二:1. 在台灣金融服務業的軟體專案中,該管理機制是否可行?2. 專案管理的原則是否適用在各種不同類型的專案?藉由訪談的方式,針對個案公司具有代表性的成員進行分析,最後得到以下三點的研究結論:1. PMP專案管理制度必須得到資訊單位與業務單位的共同認可,才有可能在組織內順利推行。2. PMP專案管理制度應針對不同類型的專案予以分類,不同規模、性質的開發專案,應採用不同的標準與作法,不能一體適用於所有的專案。3. PMP專案管理制度在台灣金融產業的推展已是勢在必行,各金融企業必須針對企業本身的特質,量身訂做適合企業推行的專案管理標準流程。


Project Management Professional (PMP) certificated program, which is held by Project Management Institute (PMI), has become very popular in the field of IT in recent years. In North America, the program is listed as the 4th most important among all the IT certification programs. Also, its holders are found to earn most salaries among IT workers who hold professional certificates. A similar trend occurred in Taiwan: many companies have started to demand their employees to earn this certification. The purpose of this research is to determine whether the PMP project management is feasible in Taiwan, especially for the financial and banking industry. Two research questions were proposed in the study. First, is the PMP project management program feasible in the financial and banking systems in Taiwan? Second, could the PMP project management program be implemented in different types of projects? A case study was conducted at a large financial company which occupies an important position in Taiwan. Five employees were interviewed in order to answer the research questions. Three conclusions reached were as follows: first, the PMP project management program can only be implemented successfully when it is recognized by both IT and business departments. Second, the implementation of PMP project management program should be adjusted according to the size and the type of the project. Third, the implementation of the PMP project management is imperative for the financials and the banks in Taiwan. They should establish standard procedures that correspond to their enterprise culture.


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