  • 學位論文


A Study on Reorganization of Household Registration Offices in Tainan City

指導教授 : 李佩珊


本研究以文獻分析法及深度訪談法,蒐集戶政資訊化後人力精簡影響及組織現況為基礎資料。以組織重組理論、全觀型治理為理論依據,佐以近期公部門組織重組個案經驗,並訪談戶政人員、役政人員、公所人員、民眾、屏東縣及臺東縣戶政人員對於戶政事務所組織重組之意見,獲致組織現存的問題、組織重組的影響、主要因素、最適時機、幅度、作業開放性、困境及因應對策、方案、戶政與其他機關業務關聯性,暨民眾對於戶政事務所組織重組的看法與建議,歸納分析相關資料後提出政策建議。 本研究發現:「組織重組之影響及障礙主要在於人」、「臺南市改制前,戶政事務所人力精簡主要原因為新機關或單位成立」、「戶政資訊化不宜成為戶政事務所人力精簡之理由」、「臺南市幅員廣闊,機關位址及廳舍空間為戶政事務所組織重組需考量之首要因素」、「面對戶政事務所組織重組,戶政事務所人員最先關心權益保障,易忽略外在因素」、「臺南市戶政事務所組織重組最佳時機為行政區重新調整」、「臺南市戶政事務所組織重組幅度如配合行政區調整可採廣博式途徑」、「大部分公務人員對於全觀型治理認識不足,無法以全觀型治理之觀點論述組織重組後如何推動整合型服務」、「依全觀型治理之觀點,戶政事務所不須重組即可推動整合型服務」、「戶政事務所獨立設置仍是戶政事務所最佳組織重組方案」、「主動型文官體系是推動整合型服務之關鍵因素」、「民眾重視戶政事務所為民服務品質甚於戶政事務所組織重組」。 本研究建議:「保障員工權益,消除員工對於組織重組的恐懼,以獲取員工認同,減少機關內部的反對阻力」、「進行服務流程改造及業務減量,以員額合理配置取代人力精簡」、「以業務消長及人口數變化為基準,調整各區戶政事務所員額編制」、「人事、主計業務由專人辦理並兼任數所,可達戶政事務所業務減量,進而精簡戶政事務所人力」、「戶政事務所組織重組作業,不可僅偏重員工權益,應同時注意各項配套作業」、「配合行政區重新調整,一次整併戶政事務所」、「深化公務人員全觀型治理觀念」、「建立內部升遷制度,鼓勵員工主動服務」、「組織重組應以提昇戶政事務所服務效能為目標」。


In this study, literature review and in-depth interview were conducted to collect the influence of downsizing and current organization situations after computerization of the household registration. The reorganization theory and holistic governance were used as the theoretic basis. Based on the case experiences of reorganization in the public sectors, interviews were conducted on the household registration office staff, conscription agency staff, district office staff, the public, and registration office staff in Pingtung County and Taitung County regarding their opinions on reorganization. This study thus analyzed the current organizational issues, the influence of reorganization, main factors, best timing of reorganization, extent of reorganization, work openness, difficulties, coping measures, schemes, and correlation between the household registration and works of other offices. The opinions and suggestions of the public on the reorganization of household registration offices were considered. Finally, policy suggestions were offered. This study found that “staffs are the main influence and obstacle of reorganization”, “the main reason for downsizing in the household registration offices is to establish new offices or units before restructuring in Tainan City”, “household registration computerization should not become the reason for downsizing”, “Tainan city is vast, and the office site and space should be the foremost factor considered for reorganization”, “in face of reorganization of household registration offices, the staffs concern about their rights and interests, while neglect external factors”, “the best time for reorganization of household registration offices in Tainan city is administrative division adjustment”, “the extent of reorganization of household registration offices, in coordination with administrative division adjustment should adopt a comprehensive approach”, “most civil servants lack of understanding on holistic governance, and cannot describe the integrated service to be provided after reorganization from the perspective of holistic governance”, “from the viewpoint of holistic governance, the household registration offices can promote integrated service without reorganization ”, “the establishment of independent household registration offices is an optimal reorganization scheme”, “active civil official system is the key factor of promoting integrated services”, and “the public pays more attention to public service quality of household registration offices than reorganization”. Based on the results, this study proposes the following suggestions: “guarantee employee interests, minimize their fear toward reorganization, gain their support, and reduce internal resistance of the household registration offices”, “improve the service process and reduce work volume, allocate the personnel properly, rather than downsizing”, “adjust the personnel allocation of district household registration offices based on the reduction of work load and the changes of population”, “the job functions of personnel management and auditing can be undertaken by appointed personnel, who concurrently serve at several offices in order to downsizing”, “reorganization of the household registration offices should not only focus on employee interests, but also consider supporting measure”, “integrate the household registration offices in conjunction with administrative division adjustment”, “deepen the concept of holistic governance in the civil servants”, “establish internal promotion system, and encourage employees to active to provide services”, and “the goal of reorganization should be improvement of service efficiency of household registration offices”.


