  • 學位論文


Exploring Satisfaction and Loyalty of Social Media Based CRM : Utilitarian, Hedonic and Trust Perspectives

指導教授 : 吳英隆


近年來由於社群網路的風行,引起了商務界的關注,而設立了企業自家地粉絲專頁或品牌專頁。因為社群媒體導向顧客關係管理提供了與顧客雙向溝通的工具,提供企業與顧客互動的功能,而使用者會利用粉絲專頁進行瀏覽相關貼文、按讚、追蹤或留言…等行為是否受到對品牌的忠誠度所影響,是本研究欲探討的議題,另外,形成此粉絲專頁之滿意度之可能影響因素,也是值得做探討的。 本研究欲探討Facebook上的粉絲專頁使用者對其參與的粉絲專頁忠誠度之影響因素,功利主義、享樂主義、信任度與使用者滿意度間的關係,及使用者滿意度與忠誠度間的影響關係。本研究透過線上問卷調查法收集樣本資料,研究對象為有參與Facebook粉絲專頁的使用者,共蒐集到313份有效問卷,且使用偏最小平方(Partial Least Squares, PLS)作為資料分析,以驗證研究假設,研究結果如下所述: 1.功利主義之因素正向顯著地影響使用者滿意度 2.享樂主義之因素正向顯著地影響使用者滿意度。 3.信任度正向顯著地影響使用者滿意度。 4.使用者滿意度正向顯著地影響顧客忠誠度。


In recently years, social network has been popular. This trend makes business pay attention to it, and establishing the fan page or brand page for their brand or business. Because social customer relationship management is a two- way communication tool, it provides interactive capabilities with customers. While users do the behaviors of exploring posts, clicking the "like", following, and commenting on social CRM, whether they were influenced by brand loyalty. This study was investigated this issue. Moreover, the formation of the possible factors for user satisfaction. This study investigated the effect factors on Facebook's fan page user of their utilitarian, hedonic, and trust with user satisfaction . And investigated user satisfaction of effect on loyalty.Data were obtained through internet questionnaire survey. The subjects are users of fan page of Facebook with participation. A total of 313 valid responses were retrieved. The study used partial least squares to analyze the samples. The findings of this paper are as following: 1.Utilitarian has significantly positive effect on the satisfaction. 2.Hedonic has significantly positive effect on the satisfaction. 3.Trust has significantly positive effect on the satisfaction. 4. Satisfaction has significantly positive effect on the customer's loyalty.


Trust Hedonic Utilitarian Social CRM Satisfaction Loyalty


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