  • 學位論文


Cross Strait Comparative Analysis of E-Commerce Business Models and Financial Performances

指導教授 : 林岳喬 博士 卓佳慶 博士


摘要 近年來由於電腦及網路的普及與興盛,也因智慧型手機上網非常便利,人們利用網路交易的模式,改變了以往傳統的交易習慣。以致於新型態的電子商務模式成為交易的新主流。電子商務成為熱門話題,大量關於電子商務的文章書籍開始出現。 本研究回顧與彚整歷年來文獻資料,發現鮮少有文章從政治、經濟、社會、科技分析->優劣分析法->平衡計分卡->方針管理->財務分析等依序來驗證電子商務企業願景目標下,企業家決定的各項策略。故本研究除依序探討其是否方向正確,經營成功外,也探討須修正的經營策略。本研究期望從多方面的分析包含非財務面的及財務面的分析,能對電商產業在未來經營上,對學界未來研究上,對政府未來的法令制度能更有助益。 研究結果顯示,兩岸電子商務具以下的差異:企業家的個性及經營的願景,所招募的人才,因應局勢改變策略的能力,前瞻性的布局,法令制度與政策支持等,影響了個案研究公司的發展規模。 關鍵詞: 電子商務、策略、優劣分析法、平衡計分卡、方針管理、財務分析、杜邦分析


Abstract In recent years, the popularity and universality of computers and the internet and the convenience that smartphones offer for accessing internet websites have resulted in new consumption habits characterized by transactions carried out online by people all over the world. This use of electronic commerce models to carry out transactions has become mainstream and electronic commerce has become an important topic of study with large numbers of articles, academic papers, and books being written on the subject. Reviewing and arranging on literature for this study discovered that there were few articles on such topics as Political、Economic、Social、Technological SWOT Analysis Balanced ScoreCard Hoshin management Hoshin review financial analysis to verify various strategies adopted by entrepreneurs striving to achieve of electronic business corporate vision to not only determine whether the strategies are going in the right direction and helping them succeed in business or not, but also to explore whether some business strategies need to be modified. This paper hopes analyzing this issue from a variety of perspectives, such as non-financial and financial analysis, will prove beneficial for e-commerce business operations, for academic research, and for the government in forming laws and regulations for electronic commerce. The results of this research indicate the following differences of cross strait e-commerce: entrepreneur’s personality and vision, human resource recruitment, the ability to respond to situations, the ability to form forward-looking layouts, laws and regulations, and government policy. These all influenced the case studies presented in this thesis. Key words: E-Commerce、strategy、SWOT Analysis、Balanced ScoreCard、Hoshin management、financial analysis、DuPont Analysis


