  • 學位論文


A Study on the Behavior of Using Mobile Phone,Self-Concept, and Peer Relation among Junior High School Students

指導教授 : 張碧如


本研究旨在探討國中生手機使用行為之現況,以及國中生手機使用行 為與自我概念、同儕關係間的差異情形。本研究採問卷調查方式,以 103 學年度屏東縣國中生為對象,共發出問卷 752 份,收回 730份,有效問 卷 677 份。所得資料以描述統計、卡方考驗、t考驗及單因子變異數分 析等進行分析,並獲致以下結論: 一、 國中生「手機使用行為」普遍,持有原因主要是方便和家人連絡, 使用功能主要包括通訊及娛樂,個人化設計最重視實用性。不同性 別、父母管教態度及家庭型態在國中生手機使用行為上有部分差 異。 二、 持有手機之國中生「自我概念」屬於中上程度,以社會自我層面最 高。不同性別、家庭型態之國中生在自我概念的部分層面有差異。 父母對子女持有手機態度不同之國中生在自我概念的大部分層面 有差異。 三、 持有手機之國中生「同儕關係」屬於中上程度,以社交技能層面 最高。不同性別之國中生在同儕關係的部分層面有差異。父母對 子女持有手機態度及每日使用手機總時間、利用手機連絡人數不 同之國中生在同儕關係的大部分層面都有所差異;不同選購手機 原則之國中生在同儕關係的部分層面有差異。 關鍵詞:國中生、手機使用行為、自我概念、同儕關係


The study aimed to investigate the behavior of using mobile phone and the relation between the behavior of using mobile phone and students’ self-concept and peer relation in junior high schools. A questionnaire was applied to collect data and 752 students from Pingtung Country were selected to participate the study. 730 responses were received and 677 responses were valid. The data was analyzed by using the descriptive statistics, Chi-square test, t-test, and One-way ANOVA. The results were as the followings. 1. Owning mobile phones is common among junior high students, mostly for parents’ convenience of contact with children. The main uses of mobile phones are for the communication and entertainment function. They are concerned with the practical function for the product personalized design. Different genders and parental and family types vary partly upon the behavior of using mobile 2. The self-concept of junior high students owing mobile phones is above average and the social self is on the highest level. The self-concept varies partly among junior high students of different genders and family types. Parents’ attitudes toward children’s owning mobile phones affect most aspects of the self-concept. 3. The peer relation of junior high students owing mobile phones is on the average and the social intercourse is on the highest level. The peer relation differs on partial aspects among junior high students of different genders. Parents’ attitudes toward children’s owning mobile phones, total time spending on mobile phones daily, and the number of contacting persons affect most aspects of peer relation. Principles of mobile phone purchase partially relate to the peer relation. Keywords: junior high school student, behavior of using mobile phone, self-concept, peer relationphones.




