  • 學位論文


Taxonomy of the Genus Bredia (Melastomataceae) in Taiwan

指導教授 : 葉慶龍


近年來台灣產金石榴屬(Bredia Blume)植物陸續發現新的物種,但各學者對屬內分類群仍有不同的見解。因此,本研究針對各部位形態特徵及數值分析,以探討各物種之間差異。外部形態而言,葉形、毛狀物、花序、雄蕊均為本屬重要的分類依據。數值分析方面,共收集81份OTUs,將資料分成二元特徵、有序多態特徵、定量特徵、無序多態特徵等順序排列成原始矩陣,並利用非加權配對演算法和非計量多向度尺度去探討各OTUs之間的群組位階和排列情形。本研究自數值分析所繪製出的樹狀圖及分布序列圖均顯示,可以明顯劃分為6個分類群。於典型判別式分析亦可得知各分類群於定量特徵達顯著的特徵顯示出物種與特徵之間的關係。根據本研究結果顯示,台灣產金石榴屬物種處理成6個分類群:金石榴(B. oldhamii Hooker)、小金石榴(B. gibba Ohwi)、布勒德藤(B. hirsuta Blume var. scandens (Ito and Matsumura) Hayata、圓葉布勒德藤(B. hirsuta Blume var. rotundifolia (Liu and Ou) Huang and Huang)、來社山布勒德藤(B. laisherana Yeh and Yeh)及毛布勒德藤(B. hirsuta Blume var. hirsuta Blume)。其中,毛布勒德藤分類群包含都蘭山地區的OTUs,因無法與其它地區OTUs做區分,因此於本研究將都蘭山布勒德藤分類群歸於毛布勒德藤。


In the recent years, the new species of the genus Bredia in Taiwan have been discovered, but the botanists have different options of classification within the genus. The study was based on various parts of morphological characteristics and numerical analysis to explore species differences in this genus. In External morphological, the leaf, hair-like, flower and stamen are the important basis for classification. The research was collected 81 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) for numerical taxonomy. The data were divided into binary character, ordered multistate character, numerical character, disordered multistate character to arrange the original matrix in sequence, and used to classify different groups by unweighted pair group mean average (UPGMA) analysis and non-metric multidimentional scaling (NMDS). The result of numerical analysis was showed that both cluster dendrogram and ordination of OTUs can be significantly divided in six groups. The result of Canonical variation analysis (CVA) also showed that quantitative character with six groups relationship, such as leaf base angle, stigma length, leaf apex angle, longer stamen length etc. As a result of above studies, Six taxa are recognized of the genus of Bredia in Taiwan, including B. oldhamii Hooker, B. gibba Ohwi, B. hirsuta Blume var. scandens (Ito amd matsum) Hayata, B. hirsuta var. rotundifolia (Liu and Ou) Huang and huang, B. laisherana Yeh and Yeh, B. hirsuta Blume var. hirsuta Blume,. Because the species B. hirsuta var. hirsuta OTUs locality contains some from dulanshan in Taitung Country, the group B. dulanica Yeh et al. are synonyms of B. hirsuta Blume var. hirsuta Blume in this study.


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