  • 學位論文

日本與台灣茶葉產區品牌之建構與區域經濟活化 -以京都府相樂群和束町「和束茶」與南投縣鹿谷鄉「凍頂烏龍茶」比較為例

A study of creating the regional brand and revitalizing the economics in tea - comparison between Taiwanese and Japanese Tea in the case of Wazuka Tea and Dong Ding Oolong Tea

指導教授 : 武藤史子


近年來,為凝聚地區產業發展共識,各地區利用當地特產來發展觀光及振興地區經濟發展成功事例有顯著增加的趨勢。像這種以促進區域發展,推動地區品牌發展的觀念有相當多的論述。利用地區品牌來活化特產品(1次產業)並融合2次、3次產業,促進地區經濟發展,並提升產業競爭力,維護地區及產業永續發展。  本研究之旨趣為探討以台日茶葉品牌比較為例,並釐清下列幾點為主要目的。 1.活用地區品牌,促進觀光發展與了解其相關課題和未來地區產業發展,並以台灣南投縣鹿谷鄉・鹿谷凍頂烏龍茶與日本京都府相樂郡和束町・和束茶為例,進行個案分析。 2.經由上述個案分析,今後利用在台灣的地區特產品,為旅遊和振興地區發展時,需考慮到之課題進行研究。  本研究結果發現,主要有下列2項。第一,在日本京都府相樂郡和束町生產者之間,有著彼此共享品牌的概念。因此,「和束茶」成為大家所認同之地區品牌,間接也使得此品牌在此區域外,獲得極高的評價。第二為,台灣南投縣鹿谷鄉所生產的「鹿谷凍頂烏龍茶」是具有高知名度茶葉品牌。現階段,鹿谷凍頂烏龍茶品牌儘管有相當高的附加價值,但是從如何有效運用地區資源等觀點出發,則必須持續強化新的附加價值。要保持此鹿谷凍頂烏龍茶品牌,活用地區品牌將成為一個極重要課題。


地區品牌 地區活化 特產品 品牌


In recent years, the regional brands have tried to grab the considerable attention of the tourists by selling the special products. The outcome of those tourism tricks have revitalized the local economics and it is still growing. The successful cases of creating regional brands are uncountable by using the regional special products. Therefore, it promotes the growth of the regional economics, improves the industrial competitiveness, maintains the region, and extands the lifespan of the industry.  The purpose of the this study was to examine the tea brands between Taiwan and Japan, the points below shown the difference between the Wazuka-Tea with Dong Ding Oolong Tea.1)Revitalizing the regional brand, improving togursim development and considering the relvant problems and future development of the industry are the main issues needed to be discussed. In this case, we use the brand Wazuka Tea and Dong Ding Oolong Tea as case studies.2)Through the case studies of Wazuka-Tea and Dong Ding Oolong Tea, the relvant problems and various prospects are valuable for tourism and regional vitalization, especially in the taiwanese special products.  In conclusion, the two main points are considered below. 1) The research found that people lived in Wazuka town have been working for community development and sharing concept between municipalities, contractors, academics and citizen. It gains the brand identity and improves the effect of the Wazuka brand.2)Dong Ding Oolong Tea planted in Lugu is the famous tea in Taiwan. Despite, it attainslocal vitalization. Yet, from the view of the utilization of the local resources and stablishment of stakeholders relationship it still needs to reinforce the new extra value. It is necessary to revitalize Dong Ding Oolong Tea as a regional brand.


