  • 學位論文


A study of Taiwanese senior expatriate managers’ Cross-cultural adaptation experiences in Asian Newly Industrialized Countries

指導教授 : 龔慧珠


近年來隨著全球經濟板塊的移動,「亞洲新興市場」逐漸躍升轉為最耀眼的世界市場,吸引全球各國企業前來布局。為了掌握商機,跨國企業紛紛到東協市場投資設廠。因而必須外派具有經驗的經理人到當地子公司任職,使外派經理人成為影響企業在進行拓展國際版圖時的重要角色之一。本研究聚焦在探討長期外派至亞洲新興市場的中、高階經理人,在外派期間如何面對及因應在海外工作時的跨文化適應上的困難、挑戰和危機或重大/特殊事件,以及外派到亞洲新興市場的工作歷練,如何影響他們在個人及專業上的成長。   本研究採用質性研究法,以半結構式訪談作為資料蒐集的主要工具。本研究對象是我國外派到亞洲新興市場一年以上的中、高階經理人。在八位受訪者中,男性外派經理人有五位,女性外派經理人有三位。其派駐國家包括: 派駐越南者有六位、派駐緬甸者有一位、派駐中國者有一位。八位受訪者中有七位從事製造業、有一位則來自管理顧問業。   研究發現這群外派經理人在海外工作上,所遇到的跨文化適應上的困難與挑戰主要與以下三方面有關:工作適應、互動適應以及一般適應。面臨到的海外的特殊事件包括:(一)當地員工罷工/怠工/暴動的問題、(二)當地員工請假過於頻繁、(三)當地員工非常重視自己在工作上的權益,以及(四)當地員工彼此間互動與衝突問題等。關於外派中高階經理人,在外派歷程中的人力資源發展方面,主要是在個人的觀念轉換及專業上的成長。最後,本研究依據研究結果,除了探討其在管理上的應用與管理意涵外,並針對有志到亞洲新興市場發展的職場新鮮人、現任之外派人員,以及後續研究提出一些建議。


In today’s business environment, Asian Emerging Markets have become included among the most popular markets. In order to seize commercial opportunities, companies are arranging for many of of senior managers to expand their markets; they thus play important roles for companies. The purpose of this study is to explore senior managers’ cross-cultural adaptive experiences: how they face critical issues and self-develop while expatriating to Asian Newly Industrialized Countries.  This study used a qualitative research method, and the data were collected primarily from semi-structured interviews. In choosing participants our focus was finding senior managers who had stayed overseas for over one year. Our participants included five male and three female expatriate managers. There are six expatriate managers staying in Vietnam, one in Myanmar and one in China. Most of our participants are in manufacturing industry, with only one expatriate manager working in the field of management consultancy.  The findings show that these 8 participants’ adaptation experiences of working and living in 3 different Asian countries comprised: (1) adjustment to work, (2) adjustment to interaction and (3) adjustment to the non-work environment. They experienced some critical issues, including four different situations: (1) strike/ go-slow/ riot problems, (2) local staff asking for leave too frequently, (3) local staff worrying about their working rights and benefits, and (4) local staff interacting and conflicting with each other. The senior managers could develop their roles which include: (1) job tasks and their responsibilities, and (2) personal change and growth. Finally, implications for managerial practices and future research are discussed. We also provide some suggestions to freshmen who are going to graduate and aim to be expatriates.


傅篤顯(民99)。突發事件處理-化危機爲轉機。 危機管理學刊,7,25-36。
