  • 學位論文


The Study on the Relationship between Business Entrepreneurship and the Rise and Fall of Industrial-Building Materials Industrial as an Example

指導教授 : 謝俊宏


創業家精神(Entrepreneurship) 意謂著新事業的開發,並著眼在個人或企業採取創新與冒險的行動以創造財富的過程。近年來公司創業家精神已經被證實在促進生產力以及改善經濟成長上扮演著非常重要的角色。本研究主要探討建材產業之創業家精神對企業興衰之影響,從創業家精神的投入程度,透過經營績效,探討企業的興衰,研究其相互影響的因果關係。由本研究實證結果發現:(1)創業家精神對於企業經營績效具有正向顯著差異影響。(2)企業的經營績效經過產業趨勢的分析比對具正向顯著差異影響。


Entrepreneurship means the development of new business, and aimed at individuals or corporations to adopt innovative and risk-taking in order to create wealth in the process. Company industrial spirit has been proven in recent years to promote productivity and economic growth plays a very important role. This study focused on the influence of the rise and fall of industrial entrepreneurship of building materials industry, Entrepreneurship of commitment, through performance, discuss the rise and decline of their mutually affecting causal relationship. Discovered by empirical findings of this study: (1) Entrepreneurship for business performance significant differences have a positive impact. (2) the enterprise's business performance through analysis of industry trends than to effect positive significant difference.


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