  • 學位論文


Introducing 3D scanning and DLP 3D printing for glasses design customization - A case study of male plastic frame design

指導教授 : 詹敦學


近年來「快時尚」講求快速、平價但不失流行的購物型態推向眼鏡市場,因此眼鏡市場的產值日益擴大。然而在此產業中也存在了長尾市場的型態,除了熱銷的款式以外,許多少量多樣的產品銷售反應了消費者個性化的需求。 傳統配鏡流程在鏡框的選擇、調整以及驗光的流程上,佔據了大部分的時間。大部分的眼鏡公司亦受限於空間以及庫存,無法真正滿足消費者款式與尺寸上的需求,客製化服務也僅限於挑選而非針對個人臉型訂製。如何能夠針對消費者提供客製化服務,是各家眼鏡公司努力追求的明確目標。 由於快速原型技術的進步,許多商品已能利用3D列印技術快速精確地製造出來,不僅能夠免去模具開發的成本,也能即時實現設計師的創意。 本研究首先導入3D掃描技術幫使用者建立臉部3D模型,擷取眼鏡設計所需的關鍵尺寸,並透過模組化的鏡框設計挑選符合受測者的尺寸選擇, 接著利用3D列印技術製作實際可戴的鏡框。 透過受測者的實際配戴結果,證明了3D掃描能精準建議適合的鏡框與鏡腳尺寸,進而帶給消費者更服貼的配戴感受。尤以「鼻墊間距」及「鏡腳長度」兩個關鍵尺寸,由3D掃描建議的鏡框組件比受測者自行挑選的組合有更好表現。 除了人因工程方面的提升外,本研究使用精準的DLP光固化3D列印技術亦改善了一般FDM 3D列印表面粗糙的缺點,強度足以配戴且其成本也大為降低。未來取代傳統模具生產鏡框,除可降低製造成本外,亦可透過客製化帶動眼鏡產業產值。


3D掃描 3D列印 眼鏡 客製化 模組化


Recently, the trend of "fast fashion" emphasizing fast, cheap without losing the popularity has enlarged the eyewear market of glasses industry. Except for a few hit products, small quantities but large varieties of common product sales reflect the needs of individual consumers within the long tail market. Traditional eyewear purchase is a time consuming process, including optometry check, glass frame pair-up, and the adjustment of frame to suite the face and ear after the lens are shaped. Most glass shops can not meet the needs of consumers on the style and size due to limited space inventory. It is not possible to provide customization services according to personal face shape and physical geometries. There is a clear goal for the industry to reduce the time for paring-up, yet accurate and capable of customization. As the advancement of rapid prototyping technologies, many commodities now are fabricated quickly and accurately with 3D printers. This movement not only reduce the cost of molding and tooling but also realize designer's creativity immediately. This study initially utilized 3D scanning to create 3D model of user faces and then capture critical dimensions required for the glass frame design. Accordingly, the designer selected proper modular components of the glass frame for matching these critical dimensions. Afterwards, a DLP 3D was utilized to print out these components, which highly precise for assembling and wearing. Through actual results of user wearing and tests. This research has proved that 3D scanning can accurately recommend a set of frame with suitable sizes, providing comfortable wearing experience for consumers. Particularly, two critical dimensions the "nose pad distance" and "frame leg length," proposed by the 3D scanning have revealed better performance than the glass frames of user self-selection. In addition to increasing the ergonomic aspects, this study has introduced DLP light curing 3D printing technology to print out glass frame. This has prevent the shortcomings of surface roughness created by normal FDM 3D printer. The fabricated parts also provided strength and flexibility for actual wearing with affordable cost. This research has proposed a new utilization of 3d printing to replace traditional injection-mold manufacturing, which can reduce mold and tooling cost and eventually enlarge the revenue of glass industry through custom-fit design.


3D Scanning 3D Printing glasses customization


