  • 學位論文


The relationships among parental psychological control, emotion regulation and bullying victimization in Tainan junior high school students

指導教授 : 游淑華


青少年霸凌是目前各界關注的議題,青少年遭受霸凌之後,可能會產生憂鬱、自殺、侵略性行為等負面心理問題,採取有效的霸凌防治及介入措施,實為重要。此外,以往關於霸凌的研究,研究對象較著重在加害者,且鮮少從親子關係與情緒能力探討霸凌受害的議題,為突破此研究現況,本研究乃從父母教養方式和情緒調節著手,探討青少年成為霸凌受害者的因子。據此,本研究目的在於檢視國中生父母心理控制、情緒調節與霸凌受害感受的關聯。本研究使用問卷調查法,研究對象為台南市國中生,有效問卷為859份(男生393人,女生466人),研究工具為「心理控制量表父親版」、「心理控制量表母親版」、「情緒調節量表」及「霸凌受害感受量表」。資料收集之後,以描述統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關、階層迴歸進行分析。研究結果如下: 就現況而言,國中生所知覺的父母心理控制的程度為中等偏低;情緒調節能力為中上;霸凌受害感受程度亦不高。在各項差異分析上則發現 : 1. 男生知覺父母心理控制的程度高於女生。2. 單親、隔代家庭的國中生,知覺母親引發愧疚及整體心理控制程度高於雙親家庭的國中生。3. 父親是大學以上程度的國中生,知覺父親削弱想法的程度高於父親是國中程度的國中生。4. 母親是國中、高中職程度的國中生,知覺母親限制表達的程度高於母親是大學以上程度的國中生。5. 三年級國中生的情緒反省能力高於一、二年級國中生。6. 女生在情緒察覺、反省能力均高於男生。7. 父親教育程度高於國中的國中生,在情緒調節各層面的程度上均高於父親是國中程度的國中生;而母親教育程度是大學以上的國中生,在情緒調整的程度上高於母親是國中程度的國中生。8. 二年級國中生的霸凌受害感受比一年級的高。9. 男生的言語、外顯霸凌受害感受比女生高。 在各變項的相關分析上發現 : 1. 國中生知覺父親引發愧疚的程度和情緒表達的程度呈現正相關。2. 國中生知覺父親貶低價值的程度和情緒調整的程度呈現負相關。3. 國中生知覺母親削弱想法的程度和情緒察覺的程度呈現負相關。4. 國中生知覺母親貶低價值的程度和情緒察覺、調整及整體情緒調節的程度呈現負相關。5. 國中生知覺母親限制表達的程度和情緒察覺、表達、調整、反省及整體情緒調節的程度均呈現負相關。6. 國中生知覺整體母親心理控制的程度和情緒察覺及整體情緒調節的程度呈現負相關。至於情緒調節和霸凌受害感受間的相關情形為 : 1. 情緒察覺和表達與國中生言語、關係及整體霸凌受害感受呈現正相關。2. 國中生情緒調整和關係、外顯及整體霸凌受害感受呈現負相關。而父母心理控制和國中生霸凌受害感受均呈現正相關 : 1. 父親削弱想法、引發愧疚、貶低價值、限制表達及整體心理控制,與國中生言語、關係、外顯及整體霸凌受害感受呈現正相關。2. 母親削弱想法、引發愧疚、貶低價值、限制表達及整體心理控制,與國中生言語、關係、外顯及整體霸凌受害感受呈現正相關。階層迴歸的結果顯示父母心理控制、情緒調節能預測國中生霸凌受害感受。最後,依據上述結果,提出實務上的建議,以供親職教育、輔導諮商及霸凌防治相關人員參考。


Adolescent bullying has been a global issue in recent years. Bullying may cause mental disorder to the victim, including depressive symptoms, suicide ideation, or increase the victim’s aggressive behavior. Exploring the risk factors of the victims contributes to bullying prevention and intervention. The bullies have drawn more attention than the victims in previous bullying research. The relation between parenting and emotion regulation among the victims hasn’t been examined. The present study aims to investigate the associations between the adolescent parental psychological control, emotion regulation and bullying victimization. The junior high school students in Tainan (N=859, 393 boys, 466 girls) completed the questionnaires on maternal and paternal psychological control, emotion regulation, and bullying victimization. The measures included “paternal psychological control scale”, “maternal psychological control scale”, “emotion regulation scale” and “bullying victimization scale”. The descriptive statistics, a paired t test, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson coefficient of correlation and hierarchical multiple regression of the data were used. The results showed that parental psychological control was seldom perceived. The level of the students’ emotion regulation was high. The incidents of bullying were encountered sometimes. At the multivariate level, some individual variables predicted paternal and maternal psychological control, emotion regulation, and bullying victimization. 1. Parental psychological control was perceived more by the boys than the girls. 2. The students in single-parent and grandparents as caregivers families perceived more inducing guilt from mothers than those in two-parent families. 3. The students perceived thoghts more invalidated by the father with college degree or more than the father with junior high school degree. 4. The students perceived verbal expression more constrained by the mother with junior high school and high school degree than the mother with college degree or more. 5. Emotion self-reflection was more introspected by the 9th students than the 7th and 8th students. 6. The levels of emotion attention, self-reflection and regulation were higher in girls than boys. 7. The students with the father’s degree above junior high school had higher levels of emotion regulation than those with the father’s junior high school degree;The students with the mother’s degree above college had higher levels of emotion appraisal and emotion regulation than those with the mother’s junior high school degree. 8. Bullying victimization was experienced more by the 8th students than the 7th students. 9. Verbal and overt forms of victimization were encountered more often by the boys than the girls. The results of Pearson coefficient of correlation for the students’ parental psychological control and emotion regulation were as the following : 1. Inducing guilt from the father was positively related to the student’s emotion expression. 2. Derogation from the father was negatively related to the student’s emotion appraisal. 3. Invalidating thoughts by the mother was negatively related to the student’s emotion attention. 4. Derogation from the mother was negatively related to the student’s emotion attention, appraisal, and emotion regulation. 5. Constraining verbal expression by the mother was negatively related to the student’s attention, expression, appraisal, self-reflection and emotion regulation. 6. Perceptions of maternal psychological control were negatively related to the student’s emotion attention and emotion regulation. The results of Pearson coefficient of correlation for the students’ emotion regulation and bullying victimization were as the following : 1. Emotion attention and expression were positively related to verbal, relational and bullying victimization. 2. Emotion appraisal was negatively related to relational, external and bullying victimization. The results of Pearson coefficient of correlation for parental psychological control and bullying victimization were as the following : 1. Paternal psychological control was positively related to bullying victimization. 2. Maternal psychological control was positively related to bullying victimization. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses revealed that the student’s parental psychological control and emotion regulation may predict the student’s bullying victimization. Parental psychological control was positively associated with the student’s bullying victimization. More emotion attention, emotion expression and less emotion appraisal predicted bullying victimization. Implications for practice on parenting education, counseling, and anti-bullying programs are discussed.


